The Bible Exodus describes that the Hebrews (Jews) were enslaved and abused in Egypt. Moses, the ancient leader of the Jews, led them to Canaan to start a new free life. The aborigines in Canaan called these people crossing the river from the west "Hebrews", which means "people crossing the river".
Moses' parents were Israeli, but he was brought up by the Egyptian royal family. When Moses came of age, one day he killed a supervisor who abused Israeli slaves. Then Moses was forced to flee, and in the process he was inspired by God. So Moses returned to Egypt and led the Israelites out of Egypt. Pharaoh ramses ii (BC 1304 ~ BC 1237) sent troops to recover the Israelis. In eastern Egypt, Moses used divine power to separate the Red Sea, so that the Israelites could cross it safely. After that, the Red Sea was restored to its original state, and then the Egyptian army was wiped out.