Who was the Pharaoh when the Israelites left Egypt?

Who was the Pharaoh when the Israelites left Egypt?

1。 This is a controversial issue. People of the early school thought that he was Amenhotep II (BC 1450- 1425), and the exodus took place in BC 1446. The gerontologists believe that he is Ramses II (BC 1290- 1224), and his date of leaving Egypt is about BC 1260/50. Did Exodus take place in15th century BC or13rd century BC? In this article, I share with you the research experience of K A Kitchen, a professor of Egyptian studies at the University of Liverpool in the UK. In his latest book, Reliability of Old Tests (WM B Erdmans Publishing Company, UK, 2003), he thinks that the Pharaoh who left Egypt should be Ramsey II. He inferred from the following aspects:

Answer: Exodus 1: 1 1 says, "So the Egyptians sent overseers to rule over them and treated them badly. They built two storage cities for Pharaoh, namely Piton and Lanser. "

People of the early school think that these two cities actually refer to Avaris)/ Tanis, the capital city built by Hixos in the Nile Delta of Upper Egypt in 1720 BC (they were mixed-race people of Seme and Asians, and established a shepherd dynasty for a century and a half when they invaded Egypt), rather than being rebuilt and expanded by Lancer II in13rd century. Dr. john D Hanna of Dallas Theological Seminary believes that Lanser was a common name in Hershey's time, Ramses was born by the sun god Ra (Re) of Hershey, and the Pharaoh's name was Ra-MES-Su, which is different. Besides, this new king who didn't know Yue Se (Exodus 1: 8) was separated from Pharaoh when he left Egypt for 80 years, and one of them was definitely not Ramsey, because Ramsey only ruled for about 66 years.

Professor Kitchen believes that just because people saw some broken Lanser stone statues on the ruins of tanis, people thought it was a Lanser Pi- Ramesse with the ratio of 1: 1 1. Actually, it's not. According to recent archaeological discoveries, Varis, the residence of Emperor Xue Xisi in the18th century and17th century, is hidden in Terdaba, dozens of miles south of tanis. Just to the north of here, archaeologists discovered the real city of Lanser. It is about six kilometers long and three kilometers wide. The excavation is still in progress, but ruins such as palaces, temples, stables and granaries have been found. The city was abandoned around 1 130 BC. When the 2nd1Dynasty needed stones to rebuild the capital tanis, they demolished the buildings in Lanser City and moved to tanis in the north. When people see these stones now, they will misunderstand that this is the past Lanser city.

Pi-Ramesse, abbreviated as Ra(a)mses in Hebrew, was known only in the period of 1300- 1 130 BC. It was impossible for the Hebrews to use this name before or after this period, so Professor Kitchen thought that Egypt should have been discovered in BC13rd century.

As for Pithom, the Egyptian word is Pi(r)-(A)tum, which means field (lit. Atum's home, Atum's home. After the Israelites left Egypt, they set out from Rameses and came to Succoth (exodus 12: 37). Archaeologists tell us that Shunk is close to Bidong. Shunk was in Egypt, and now he tells el-Maskhuta. Bidong is in Tell er-Retaba, a few miles west of it, leaving Lan Se 15- 17. When the Israelites left Egypt, they set out from Ramsey, went east-southeast to Succoth, and then went east, so Bethon was not on the route. Archaeologists excavated in Shukot and Bidong are temples built by Pharaoh Lancer for the God of Atum, which were designated as sites in 13 and 12 centuries before the Lord.

B. Xi nai zhi yue

The Bible says, "Moses learned all the knowledge of the Egyptians, and he was very talented in speech and performance." (Acts 7: 22) When God wanted to make a covenant with Israel, Moses recorded the covenant, and the format of the covenant must be the prevailing format at that time. Can't God send it to Moses in other formats? Of course. But when the Holy Spirit inspired his servants to give them words, God did not regard them as robots, copying word by word. Written by Moses and written by Daniel, no matter in style, grammar, style, words and structure. . There must be a difference. What they wrote could never be "something from outer space", otherwise the readers at that time would not understand. According to this principle, Professor Kitchen studied the Covenant format in different periods from 2500 BC to 650 BC to see which period Moses' Covenant format belonged to, thus inferring the Egyptian era. The following are his findings:

(1) The Sinai Convention is a contract between God and Israel on Mount Sinai through Moses (recorded in Exodus and Leviticus). Forty years later, this Covenant was renewed in the plains of Moab (recorded in Deuteronomy); After Joshua conquered Canaan, he renewed this agreement with the Israelites again (chapter 8 is an introduction and chapter 24 is a summary). We don't have the original contract. What is recorded in the Bible is only the enactment of laws. The format of the provisions may not be recorded according to the original format, but we can still see the original format (table 1).

The format shows the format of exodus/Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Joshua chapter 24.

1。 Title/Preface 20: 1 "God commanded all these words: Deuteronomy 1: 1-5" This is Moses. . What I said to all Israel. Joshua 24: 2 Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel.

2。 The prologue of history. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. Deuteronomy 1: 6-3: 29 "The Lord our God. . He told us, "Book 24: 2- 23", that your ancestor was Abraham in ancient times. . "

3。 General and clear rules. 20: 3- 17 (Ten Commandments)

Clear: 20: 22-26,21-23,25-31. Introduction: Thinking articles

Foundation: SHEN WOO Chapter

Clarity: chapter 6- 1 1, chapter 12-26, main points: Volume 24: 14- 15.

4A. The deposit text is 25: 2 1 ". . Put it in the ark "(Deuteronomy 10: 2) Deuteronomy 3 1: 9, 24-26" Put this book of law beside the ark of the Lord your God. . "Joshua 24: 26" is written in the book of the law of God. . "

4B. Read it out: 24: 7 Shen 3 1: 9- 13 "The last year of every seven years. . Read this law to them. "

5。 Former witness. 24: 4 "Set up twelve pillars" Deuteronomy 3 1: 26 "Take this Torah. . Witness the mistakes of the Israelis. "

Deuteronomy 32: 24: 22 "Be your own witnesses."

Book 24: 27 "This stone can bear witness for us."

3。 The rules are clear: benefits eleven to twenty, twenty-seven.

6B. Blessing: Lev. 26: 3- 13: Deuteronomy 28: 1- 14: Shu 24: 20.

6C. Curse violation: Li XXVI: 14-43 violation: Shen XXVI: 15-68 violation: Shu XXIV: 19-20.

(2) From 2500 BC to 650 BC, we can divide the 80-90 covenants between kings and their servants into six periods according to the format: (Table 2)

Time period (stage)


Me. Ancient: 2500-2300 BC Eastern Treaty: Eannatum/Umma.

West: Ebra and Abasal

2. Early period: the legal code BC 2100-1700; Late period: Urnammu of the Third Ur Dynasty.

2000 BC: Lippitt-Ishtar; Hammurabi of Babylon

3. Early period: BC 1800- 1700 Treaty (strict Mali-Tireland Treaty).

Ancient Babylonian thesis

4. Mid-term: Treaty 1600- 1400 BC Northern Syria (Arak).

He Wen Clause (Hittite)

Mid-term: treaties and contracts (BC 1400- 1200) (Hittite Treaty, Anatolia, Syria, Egypt).

6. Late period: 900-650 BC Eastern Treaty: Mesopotamian rice.

West: Thesis in Sevyalam

We are only interested in the treaty formats of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth time periods, because we want to compare them with Xi's nai contract and see what their similarities are.

Treaty/contract formats for the third and fourth periods (Table 3)

The third period (BC 1800-BC 1700) and the fourth period (BC 1600-BC 1400).

Mali/Terryland, a Hittite in northern Syria.

5。 Witness 7. Oath 1. Title1. Title (title)


5。 Witness (witness)

3。 General and clear terms (provisions) 3. General and clear terms (provisions) 3. General and clear terms (provisions)

6c. Curse 6c. Curse 7. oath

6c. Curse (curse)

The format of treaties/contracts in the fifth and sixth periods (BC 1400- 1200, BC 900-650) (Table 4).

The Covenant of the fifth issue of Xi, the sixth issue (West), the sixth issue (East)

(See table 1)

He Wen Clause (Hittite) Exodus/Leviticus/Joshua Chapter 24 Assyria (Assyria)

1。 Title1. Title 1. Title 1. title

2。 Historical prologue II. Historical prologue 5. Witness number five. witness

3。 General and clear terms (provisions) 3. General and explicit provisions 6c. Curse 3. General and clear provisions

4。 Store and read the text 4. Store and read article 3. General and explicit provisions 6c. curse

5。 Witness number five. witness

6c. Curse 6b. bless

6b. Blessing 6c. curse

From Table 3 and Table 4, we can clearly see that the format of Xi Nye Treaty is almost exactly the same as that of the typical He Wen Treaty in the V period (BC/KOOC-0/400-/KOOC-0/200, more precisely BC/KOOC-0/380-/KOOC-0//KOOC-). It can be inferred that the Israelites must have left Egypt in 14 or 13 century BC. Skeptics who don't believe, such as Julius Wellhausen 1844- 19 18, put forward that the Five Classics of Moses is a mixture of four books written by JEDP in the seventh century before the Lord, which has been shattered.

But there is still a problem: if the Covenant in Deuteronomy was written in the 13th century BC, how can its Hebrew be the standard and classical Hebrew in the Hebrew Bible now? We all know that this standard Hebrew language originated in Masolais in the 7th century, but the Bible clearly records that Moses personally wrote his words in books, such as Exodus 17: 14, 24: 4, 34: 27-28, Man 17: 2-3, and 33: 2.

Archaeologists tell us that there is evidence that the cuneiform characters of Amarnachu in BC14th century have included Canaanites with non-Akkadian characters. Yamala is a clay monument found on a mound about 200 miles south of Cairo. At that time, in Egypt under the rule of Amenhotep III IV, there were many clay tablets written by foreign rulers, Egypt and vassal countries in Akkadian cuneiform, which was the official language of international documents. Some Amara clay tablets were letters written to Egypt by the leaders of Canaanites, in which they complained about the fratricidal war and aggression in Canaan. One of them is that the deputy governor of Jerusalem tells the story of Habiru (some scholars think they are Hebrew in the Bible) who successfully invaded several Canaan city-states, showing that Egypt was in a period of political decline before the Lord14th century. These documents provide valuable information for us to check Joshua and Judges and the fact that the Hebrews occupied the land of Canaan.

Back to the cuneiform of the Amarna alphabet, there are Canaanite alphabet, not Egyptian hieroglyphics, nor Akkadian cuneiform, but letters developed in Canaan, farther than cuneiform, from 16000 BC. Moses and Joshua probably used this letter to write the Five Classics on papyrus, leather or wax boards. In the next two hundred years, BC 1200- 1000, this alphabet developed into a standard Hebrew script, and by the time of King David, the Hebrew script was completely stereotyped. Later, the Confucian classics copied the Five Classics again in New Hebrew, updating its grammar and spelling. However, until the eighth century BC, there were only consonants in Hebrew, and later some weak letters were added to represent long vowels, such as W for U/O. From the eighth century to the twentieth century, the Masora family designed a pinyin system to put vowels in Hebrew to help readers read aloud, which is what we see in the Hebrew Bible now.

C. clues provided by the bible:

The Bible gives us some clues about the time of Exodus:

Exodus 12: 40-4 1 "The Israelites lived in Egypt for 430 years. At the end of four hundred and thirty years, all the armies of the Lord came out of the land of Egypt.

2kgs 6: 1 "In the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, the temple of the Lord began to be built in 480 years after the Israelites came out of Egypt." (Abundant historical data show that the year of Solomon's accession to the throne was 97 1/970 BC, which is unanimously recognized by historians. He reigned for forty years, from 97 1/970-93 1/930 BC, and David reigned for forty years, from10/0 BC.

Judges 1 1: 26 "Israel has lived in Heshbon and its villages, in Aroer and its villages, and in all the cities along the Arnon for 300 years. . . "

Sam 13: 1 "Saul was forty years old when he became king, and he reigned for two years. . . "

1 Sam has different translations. Thirteen: 1. Some people say that the original text missed a number, which should be "King of Israel (X)+ (two years)", while X said it was thirty, while others said it was forty. Moreover, the original text says, "Saul was old when he became king, and he reigned over Israel for two years." "Forty years old" was added by the translator. In a word, we are not sure about the translation of this sentence. According to Professor Kiki, he mentioned Sam from 2. 2: 10 Ishbosheth, Saul's youngest son, was forty years old when he became king, and it is estimated that Saul reigned over Israel for thirty-two years. (From BC 1042- 10 10)

Then, let's first look at how the "early school" calculated the age of Egypt: (Table 5)

The major events that took place in the 1970s were all related to the Bible. Major events in Egypt

Solomon became king.

Solomon reigned for four years.

In 967 BC-1= 966 BC, the temple was built. In the fourth year of his reign, Solomon was actually him.

The fourth year of his reign has expired, so the number of years has been revised (according to the calendar of his accession to the throne, it is called the fifth year. )

966+480 = BC 1446 (BC 1406 occupied eastern Jordan and crossed Jordan into Canaan).

(Joshua's seven-year campaign in Canaan, BC 1406- 1399)

(In BC 1 106, Jephthah was a judge, and the judge recorded 1 1: 26)

(Judge year: about BC 1390/ 1350- BC 1050)

(about BC 1 144- 1020)


When the Israelites left Egypt, they began to build the temple. (Wang Liu: 1) The Pharaoh who left Egypt was Amenhotep II in BC 1450- 1425.

Hyksos invaded Egypt and established the shepherd dynasty (BC 1720- 1570).

From Manita Shizhu (Meneptah,1224-1215bc), we know that he defeated the Israelis in Canaan in the fifth year of his reign (that is, 1220).

1446+430 = 1876 BC 12: 40 Jacob and his family went down to Egypt (after two years of famine, it was 45: 6). The Pharaoh may be Sessus II (BC 1897- 1878) or III (65438).

BC 1876+2 = 1878 The seven-year famine began.

1878+7 = 1885 After the bumper harvest in the seventh year BC, Yue Se was released from an Egyptian prison, ranking second in Egypt. Gen 41:47,46

BC1885+13 =1898 Yue Se was sold to Egypt, and his years in Potiphar's home and prison were 37: 2,28.

1898+17 =1915 Yue Se was born in 37: 2 BC (1805 died at the age of10,50: 26).

In 2006 BC, Jacob was born (when Isaac was 60 years old, it was 25: 26) and died at 1859 at the age of 147. In the seventeenth year of Egypt, at 47: 9 and 28, Ameniti established the twelfth dynasty.

In 2066 BC, Isaac was born (Abraham 100, 2 1: 5) and died in 1886, at the age of 180, at 35: 28.

Abraham was born and died on 2 166 BC 199 1 year, at the age of 175, recorded at 25: 7.

Now, let's see how the "old school" calculates the age of Egypt: (Table 6)

The major events that took place in the 1970s were all related to the Bible. Major events in Egypt

Solomon became king.

Solomon reigned for four years.

In 967 BC-1= 966 BC, the temple was built. In the fourth year of his reign, Solomon was actually him.

The fourth year of his reign has expired, so the number of years has been revised (according to the calendar of his accession to the throne, it is called the fifth year. )

David reigned for forty years.

BC 1042- 10 10 Saul reigned for 32 years.

According to the chronology of judges in BC 12 10- 1042, we know from Manita Shizhu (Meneptah,1224-1215bc) that he was in office for the fifth year (i.e./kloc).

The Israelis left Egypt for Ramses II (BC 1290- 1224).

About 1700 BC (BC 1260+430 BC), Jacob and his family went down to Egypt, and the Hyksos invaded Egypt and established the shepherd dynasty (BC 1720- 1570 BC).

The age of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Yue Se.

In the calculation of the old school in Table 6, the only thing that needs to be explained is how King VI: 1 became1260/1250-966 = 294/284 in about 300 years from the time when the Israelites left Egypt and the temple was built. Professor Kitchen thinks that the judge period in Israeli history is an intermediate period, just like the first intermediate period in Egyptian history (between the ancient dynasty and the middle dynasty (2250-2000 BC) or the second intermediate period (between the middle dynasty and the new dynasty, BC 1780-BC 1570 BC). This era is a period of chaos and transition, between the period when Moses/Joshua led Israel and the period when Saul/David/Solomon ruled Israel. In the middle period, judges may not rule one after another, and some judges may be in power in different specific geographical areas, so they overlap in years.

Professor Kitchen thinks that there are two possible solutions in 480:

1.480 years is interpreted as 12 X 40 = 480 years. Forty years includes the age when one generation grows up with children (20 years old) and the children of another generation grow up to the same stage (20 years old). In this way, the real age of the twelfth generation is about 22/25 years old, and the total number of years is 12 X 24/25 = 288/300 years. This is very similar to the 294/284 in the previous paragraph.

Secondly, Professor Kitchen believes that the history from Egypt to Solomon's accession to the throne is divided into twelve stages by the Israelis (Table 7). The total number of years recorded in writing is 480 years, but the actual number of years is the above-mentioned 288/300 years.

Number of years (40 years)

1 person 40 years 1 1: 33 left Egypt for Canaan.

2 40 years of Shisan: 1 1 Osny governance

After 3: 30 in 3-4 80 years (2x40), it will be 80 years of peace.

5 40 years: 3 1 After Deborah, there were 80 years of peace.

6 40 years of stone dam: 28 Gideon rule

7 40 years 4: 18 for governance.

8 40 years (20+20)15: 20; Samson Rule/Samuel

9, 40 years, Shang Wang II: 1 1 David reigned.

10 48 years = 3+23+22 Judges Abimelech, Tora, Jair.

1 1 3 1 year = 6+7+ 10+8 Judges Yefta, Ibizan, Elon and Adton.

12 32 Samuel XIII: 1 Saul reigns.

Four years of King VI: 1 Solomon reigned for four years.

The total number of years is 475 years.

5 years (? ) Joshua and the elders ruled

480 = 475 + 5

2。 Summary:

I have introduced to you in detail the arguments of the early school and the old school that left Egypt.

According to early schools, the Egyptian Pharaoh who left Egypt was Amenhotep II (BC 1450- 1425), which happened in BC 1446.

According to the old school (such as Professor Kitchen), the Egyptian Pharaoh who left Egypt was Ramses II (BC 1290- 1224), which happened around BC 1260/50.

Which statement do you think is more credible? __________