Poetry if I were by your side

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Ambition and desire have a heart.

The pulse is stronger when you are careful to approach the city.

People add people to become people.

Only by gathering the strength of all people can we open the door of the times.

The world is just around the corner, and dreams are realized with sweat.

As long as you have firm faith, you can see the future.

Every time we are around you, we go beyond the limit.

Every animation is a spectacular ceremony.

Ambition and desire have a heart.

The pulse is stronger when you are careful to approach the city.

Live in the city and be honest with life.

Brave persistence makes memories a proud thing.

The world is just around the corner, and dreams are realized with sweat.

As long as you have firm faith, you can see the future.

Every time we are around you, we go beyond the limit.

Every animation is a spectacular ceremony.

The world is just around the corner, and dreams are realized with sweat.

As long as you have firm faith, you can see the future.

Every time we are around you, we go beyond the limit.

Every animation is a spectacular ceremony.

(Please find the songs yourself)

Sorry, I can't write notes. Because the space is too long, but I can find it online. Do your best! !