Du Fu is a talented and knowledgeable poet. It can be said that Du Fu's works are worthy of our pride. People gave Du Fu and Du Shiguan the reputation of "Poetic Sage" and "Poetic History", which did not fall from the sky, nor was he self-styled, but was recognized and accepted by the people. There is a folk song circulating in southern Shaanxi: "Du Fu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, can know the sufferings of the people. Poetry has been written in thousands of volumes, and it will last for thousands of years. "
Du Fu's poems have been recognized not only by the people, but also by the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries. 1On March 28th, 957, dear President Zhu De wrote such a couplet for Du Fu Cottage in Chengdu: "The Cottage will be handed down to future generations, and poets will write for the future."
Poverty has made Du Fu's poems, and poetry has made Du Fu's reputation as a poet saint! Du Fu's patriotic spirit and people-oriented thought have made a generation of poets.