How to explain Exodus 40, 34-35?


Chapter 40

Meeting curtain

1 the Lord said to Moses:

"On the first day of the first month, you shall set up the Tent of Meeting (the Tent of Meeting has been set up, and the sacred vessels are arranged in order, so that you may begin to worship the Lord correctly. This was the most important thing on earth at that time. It has been a year since they left Egypt.

Put the ark of the testimony (ark of the Covenant) inside and cover it with a curtain (hang the curtain between the most holy place and the most holy place, and the ark will be in the most holy place, so that the curtain will cover the ark so that it cannot be seen).

Move the table in and put things on it (put twelve shewbread on the table). Move the lampstand in and light the lights on it (the lampstand is placed in the north of the tent of meeting and the table for putting cakes is placed in the south).

Put the incense altar in front of the ark of the testimony and hang the curtain of the tabernacle (this is in front of the tent of meeting and enters the sanctuary from here).

Put the altar of burnt offering in front of the tent of meeting (the symbol of the bronze altar cross).

7 Put the washbasin between the tent of meeting and the altar and fill it with water (priests often enter the sanctuary and wash their hands and feet with this water every time they enter, which means that all believers need it, often).

He also set up a courtyard curtain (fence) around and hung it (into a gate of the courtyard).

9 anoint the tabernacle (the expression of Christ) and everything in it with the anointing oil (the expression of the Holy Spirit is to anoint Christ (Luke 4: 18- 19)), and consecrate the tabernacle and all the utensils, and they will be consecrated (all are consecrated to the Lord).

10 anoint the altar of burnt offering and all the utensils with oil to consecrate it, and it will become the most holy (Christ consecrated the altar, and the altar is the "cross", which means that the cross did not sanctify Christ. This completely refutes the biblical doctrine that Jesus died spiritually on the cross. Some people believe and teach that Jesus became a sinner on the cross, died in the spirit, went down to the underworld to burn here, and suffered in the underworld like all sinners. None of these things happened! The cross, but the cross, is a place of victory, and when he said he would do it, it was a complete victory. The Bible tells us that "the curtain in the temple was split in two from top to bottom" (Matthew. 27:5 1). This tells us that the cross has opened a way for all mankind to enter the most holy place because of their faith in Christ.

1 1 Wipe the basin and basin seat to make the basin holy.

Respective sanctification

12 Tell Aaron and his sons to come to the entrance of the tent of meeting and wash their bodies with water (this "water" is the word of God (Ephesians 5:26)).

13 Dress Aaron in holy garments, anoint him and consecrate him, so that he can serve me as a priest. Because Christ has met all the requirements of mediation, he himself became a mediator, which was through the cross (in advance 1. 2: 5);

Bring his sons and put them in tunics.

As you anointed their father, so will I anoint them, so that they may serve me as priests. Whoever is anointed from generation to generation will be a priest forever (as long as there is the Old Testament until Christ). "

16 Moses did as the Lord commanded him (he did not deviate from his own style, nor did he deviate from anything).

17 On the first day of the first month of the following year, the tabernacle was erected (on the first day of the first month of the following year, in a sense, it told the Israelites that they had a brand-new beginning now, so they should be cautious and make full use of this brand-new beginning).

18 Moses set up the tabernacle, put on the base, put on the boards, put on the bolts and set up the pillars;

19 according to the Lord's command, pitch a tent above the tabernacle and cover it with the top cover (now these things are just memories, and they are all satisfied, so there is no need for what Christ did on the cross. But before Christ came, the tent of meeting and the temple were necessary because God sought to live among his people.

He put two tablets of stone in the ark, put the poles on both sides of the ark, and put the mercy seat on the ark.

2 1 He carried the ark into the tabernacle (into the most holy place), hung a curtain to cover the ark (separating the holy place from the most holy place), and covered the ark of testimony, as the Lord commanded him.

Put the table (the table for the shewbread) in the tent of meeting, on the north side of the tabernacle, outside the curtain.

On the table, he set the bread before the Lord, twelve in all, as the Lord commanded him.

Put the lampstand in the tent of meeting, on the south side of the tabernacle, facing the table.

He lit lamps before the Lord, as the Lord commanded him (Moses lit lamps before the Lord to show that the Lord was attentive to everything he did).

Put the incense altar in front of the curtain of the tent of meeting (the incense altar is placed in the holy place, but it is in front of the ark, but it is separated by the curtain).

On the altar, he burned incense made of spices as the Lord commanded him (twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening).

He hung the curtain of the tabernacle (the curtain was also hung at the front door of the tent of meeting, the same color as the curtain in front of the most holy place).

In front of the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, an altar of burnt offering (the sign of the cross) was set up, and burnt offerings and grain offerings were offered on it, as the Lord had commanded him (the tent of meeting was made in the image of God, as we will see, and the glory of God will fill the tent of meeting, but it must wait until the precious blood of burnt offerings on the bronze altar has flowed out and been anointed with holy oil. Only in the crucified and anointed Savior can God live with people.

Put the washing basin between the tent of meeting and the altar, and fill it with water for washing.

3 1 Moses, Aaron and Aaron's sons all wash their hands and feet in this basin.

When they entered the tent of meeting or approached the altar, they all washed, because the Lord commanded him ("water" to predict God's way and "wash" the application of the way of prophecy. Without the application of God's Word in our life, it is useless.

Around the tabernacle and altar, the curtain of the courtyard was set up and the door curtain of the courtyard (the entrance of the courtyard) was hung. So Moses finished the work as the Lord commanded him.


At that time, the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tent of meeting (full of the glory of the tent of meeting, and today it is also in the position of the Holy Spirit, full of our hearts and lives).

Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the clouds stopped on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tent of meeting (the idea was that Moses wanted to enter the tent of meeting, but the glory of the Lord filled the tent of meeting, at least at this time, it filled the tent of meeting in a powerful way, so that Moses could not enter. It may even be that the glory of God knocked him down.

Every time the clouds are collected from the tent of meeting, the Israelites set out (it is not for the Israelis to judge or decide where they are going or how long they will stay in the same place, or even for Moses to decide when to set out. All this depends on the "cloud". The important question is: Where is the cloud? );

If clouds are not collected, they will not start until the clouds are collected (they will not start until the clouds are collected).

By day, the cloud of the Lord is above the tabernacle. At night, in front of all the houses in Israel, there was fire in the cloud. This is the way they went (so Exodus ends with "the glory of the Lord". It began when God's people were enslaved in Egypt, and finally they were freed from slavery in Egypt. Besides, the glory of God lived among them.