Ancient Egypt (English: ancient Egypt; Alias: ancient Egypt; Arabic:) is one of the four ancient civilizations. Located in the middle and lower reaches of the Nile in northeast Africa (now the Middle East), it was islamized by the Arab Empire about 740 years ago.
The kingdom of ancient Egypt experienced: pre-dynasty, early dynasty, ancient kingdom, first intermediate period, middle kingdom, second intermediate period, new kingdom, third intermediate period, late kingdom, Ptolemaic dynasty, * * *10 period, and the rule of 33 dynasties.
The 18 dynasty reached its peak, and the upper Egyptian empire in the southern Nile valley extended from Sudan to Ethiopia, while the eastern border of lower Egypt in the northern delta crossed the Sinai Peninsula and reached the Canaan Plain. In Ptolemy, the territory includes Cyrene, southern Anatolia, Cyprus and Mediterranean islands, and the southernmost part of the territory reaches Nubia.
Ancient Egypt has a complete writing system, political system and system, as well as a polytheistic religious system.
Egypt is one of the oldest countries in the world, with a long and profound history and culture, profound and colorful. Since ancient times, national identity means looking at culture, which occupies an important position in the world cultural system and has its own characteristics in geographical location, humanities and economy.
Traditional art forms include poetry, sculpture and painting. Ancient Egyptian civilization had a great influence on later civilizations such as ancient Greece, ancient Rome and Judaism.
Ancient Egypt (Ancient Egypt)-Baidu Encyclopedia