Don du fu
At dusk, officials arrested people at night. The old man climbed over the wall and left, while the old woman went out to watch. Why are officials angry? Why do women cry? Before listening to his wife's speech: three men are guarding Yecheng. One man attached a book, and two men died. Those who drag out an ignoble existence are dead! There is no one in the room, only a baby and a grandson. And grandma didn't go, and there was no skirt in and out.
Although an old woman is weak, please come back at night. If you are in a hurry to serve Shirley in the river and Yang, you might as well prepare the meal in the morning. The night is long and silent, like crying and choking. Dawn will rise into the future, leaving the old man alone.
In the evening, I stayed in Shihao Village, and the officers came to recruit at night. The old man fled over the wall, and the old woman went out to check. How fierce the officers shouted! How pitiful the old woman is crying! I heard the old woman say that my three sons are going to serve in Yecheng. One of the sons sent back a message that two sons had just died in battle.
Let the living live one day at a time, and the dead will never be resurrected! There is no one else at home, only a grandson who is nursing. Because of the grandson, his mother has never left, and there is no complete dress in and out.
Although the old woman is old and weak, please let me follow you back to camp overnight. Go to Heyang to apply for a job and prepare breakfast for the troops. Late at night, the voice disappeared, and I vaguely heard a low and intermittent cry. When he left at dawn, he only said goodbye to the old man.
Second, the hut was blown by the autumn wind;
Don du fu
In August and autumn, the wind roared and rolled up my three hairs. Hair flew over the river and sprinkled on the periphery of the river. The highest one hangs a long forest tip, and the lower one floats to Shentang 'ao. The children in Nancun bully me. I can stand being a thief. I openly carried Mao into the bamboo forest, and my lips were so dry that I couldn't breathe. When I came back, I sighed on crutches.
In an instant, the wind will set the color of the clouds and ink, and the autumn will be bleak and dark. This cloth has been as cold as iron for many years, and Joule has been lying down and cracking. There is no dry place in the bedside table, and the feet are numb with rain. How can you get wet all night since you are in a mess and don't get enough sleep!
There are tens of millions of buildings in Ande, which makes all the poor people in the world very happy! The wind and rain are calm as a mountain. Oh! Suddenly I saw the house in front of me, and it was enough for me to freeze to death alone.
In August, it is already late autumn, and the wind is howling. The wind blew away several layers of thatch on my roof. The thatched grass flew across Huanhuaxi and scattered on the other side of the river. The high-flying thatch is wrapped around the high treetops, and the low-flying thatch floats and sinks into ponds and depressions.
A group of children in Nancun bullied me, so they had the heart to be "thieves" to grab things face to face and run into the bamboo forest with thatch in their arms. I'm thirsty and I can't stop drinking. When I came back, I sighed alone on crutches. After a while, the wind stopped and the dark clouds in the sky were as black as ink. In late autumn, the sky becomes dark and foggy.
This cloth has been covered for years, cold and hard, like an iron plate. The child's sleeping posture is not good and the quilt is torn. When it rains, the roof leaks, and there is no dry place at home. The rain on the roof keeps leaking down like hemp thread.
Since the Anshi Rebellion, I haven't slept much. The nights are long, and the house leaks when it rains. How can I stay until dawn! How can we make thousands of spacious and tall houses generally shelter the poor scholars in the world and make them smile! As safe as a mountain. Alas! When will such a towering house appear in front of me? Even if my cabin is blown by the autumn wind, I will willingly freeze to death by myself.
Third, "Selling Charcoal Weng":
Tang Bai Juyi?
An old man selling charcoal cuts wood and burns charcoal in the mountains in the south all year round.
His face was covered with dust, which was the color of smoke burning, his temples were gray, and his ten fingers were burnt black.
What is the money for selling charcoal for? Buy clothes, buy food in your mouth.
Pity that he is wearing thin clothes, but he is worried that charcoal can't be sold, hoping it will be colder.
At night, it snowed a foot thick outside the city. Early in the morning, the old man drove a charcoal wheel to the market.
Cows are tired and people are hungry, but the sun has risen very high. They are resting in the mud outside the south gate of the market.
Who is that proud man riding on two horses? It was the eunuchs in the palace and eunuchs who did it.
The eunuch, with documents in his hand and the emperor's orders in his mouth, shouted at the petrified palace.
A load of charcoal, more than 1000 kilograms, eunuch attendants to drive away, the old man is helpless, but there is no way.
Half a horse's red yarn is a silk, which is filled with charcoal to the cow's head.
An old man who sells charcoal cuts wood and burns charcoal in Nanshan all the year round. His face was covered with dust and smoke, his temples were gray, and his ten fingers were blackened by charcoal. What is the money from selling charcoal used for, buying clothes and food to eat in your mouth?
It's a pity that he only wears thin clothes, but he is worried that charcoal can't be sold, hoping it will be colder. It snowed a foot thick outside the city at night. In the morning, the old man ran over the frozen wheel tracks in a charcoal car and hurried to the market.
Cattle are tired and people are hungry, but the sun has risen very high and rested in the mud outside the south gate of the market. Who is the man riding two horses? They are eunuchs in the palace, eunuchs.
The eunuch held the official document in his hand, but said it was the emperor's order and shouted to pull the cow to the palace. A load of charcoal, 1000 kilograms, was insisted by eunuch officers. The old man is reluctant to give up, but he is helpless. Those people hung half a horse's red yarn and a silk on the cow's head as the price of charcoal.
Extended data
The characteristics of Tang poetry:
The forms and styles of Tang poetry are colorful and innovative. It not only inherited the tradition of Han and Wei folk songs and Yuefu, but also greatly developed the singing style. It not only inherited the five-character or seven-character ancient poems of the previous generation, but also developed into a long and huge system of narrative romance; It not only expanded the use of five-character and seven-character styles, but also created modern poems with particularly beautiful and neat styles.
Modern poetry was a new style of poetry at that time, and its emergence and maturity was an important event in the history of Tang poetry development. It pushed the artistic features of China's ancient poems with harmonious syllables and refined words to an unprecedented height, and found a typical form for ancient lyric poetry, which has been especially loved by people so far.
However, the metrical poems in modern poetry are easy to be bound because of their strict metrical restrictions, which is a major defect brought by their advantages.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Li Shihao
Baidu Encyclopedia-Shanzhai was blown by autumn wind.
Baidu encyclopedia-selling charcoal Weng