I'm here today ... between the sky and your eyes (* note 1)
Atando en sue? Os tu piel a mi piel
You and my skin are tied in the dream room
Contando Estrella al Amanecer
Counting the stars before the dawn
Hoy Tejiendo Historias de Amores Perdidos
Now I weave history and lost love
y en. La Memoria Recuerdos Salidos de Amor
Looking for the memory of love in memory
Mientras se Embriaga de Timi Corazó n
My heart is drunk for you at the same time
Cuento las Horas en que tu noestas
Fine. Counting the time when you are away
Vena mi Brazzaque no Puedo má s
I can't stand it any longer ... Come to my arms
Será que alguna vez
Is it just once
será que un día vendrá
Is it just one day that you will come to
dime que tu me? Amaras
Tell me that you will love me
Camina y ven
Come here
que estoy desesperado
Because I am so eager
que sue? O con tenerte aquí a mi lado
dreams of having you by my side
no olvido tu querer
I can't forget your love ...
tucuerpo de mujer
... your mature woman's body drive
ya ves que soy un loco enamorado. De tu piel
It's not hard for you to find out how I am infatuated with your tender skin
Camina y ven
Come here
que muero de agonía
I'm dying of depression
Sabes Muybien Quepronto Será s mí a
You know that you are going to be my man
el tiempo. Senova y Nunca Volverá
Time flies in a moment
ven que mi corazón no puede mas
Come on .. My heart has reached its limit
Hoy Imaginando Tupiel con la mí a
Today I fantasize about your skin blending with mine
y voy ll. Enando mis noches vacías
fills my empty nights
Ahorrando Huellas de Misoledad
accumulates my lonely footprints (* * Note 2).
y así beber tu cuerpo plateado de luna
drink your silver moon-like body like this
y en cadabeso Atrapar mi locura porti
capture my crazy love for you between every kiss
sacarpor siempre de mi pechoesta obsesió n
take this infatuation out of my chest forever.
* Note 1: Could Hoy be "Voy"? It's smoother
** Note 2: Will Ahorrando not be erased by "Borrando"?