How to make a guide line animation-star role

1) new file (5 15* 152px, black background color # 000000);

2) Select "File-Import-Import to Stage" to import the background picture to the stage and align it in the center;

3) Create a new graphic component and name it Welcome. Select the text tool, set the color to white, the size to 80, and the font to China Caiyun. Enter the text "Welcome" in the component editing area and center it.

4) Create a new graphic element, name it as a star, select the ellipse tool, set the brush stroke color as colorless and the fill color as radial, and gradually change from white Alpha: 100% to white Alpha: 0%, press shift to draw a perfect circle in the center of the stage, and press ct rl+k to center horizontally and vertically; Create a new layer, select the rectangle tool to set the stroke color to colorless and the fill color to linear fill (divided into four color points: from left to right: white Alpha: 0%, white Alpha:33%, white Alpha: 100%, white Alpha: 0%).

Set the dimension to be 50px in width and 1px in height, open the deformation panel, rotate it for 45 degrees, and copy it for 3 times;

5) Create a new movie editing element named "Rotating Stars", drag the star graphic element to the center of the movie editing area, insert a key frame in the 20th frame, return to 1 frame to create tweened animation, and set it as clockwise rotation 1 time in the property panel;

6) Create a new movie clip element named "Fill Color", drag the welcome graphic element to the editing area of the movie clip element, center it and split its object; Select the paint bucket tool and fill it with blue;

7) Go back to the scene 1, insert a frame in the 60th frame of the layer 1, and name the layer as "background layer";

8) Create a new layer 2, named "Color Filled Text", press ctrl+l to open the library, and drag the color-filled movie clip elements to the stage, and set the position to (x:9, y:65). Insert keyframes in the 30th and 60th frames of the Color Filled Text layer, and the Alpha values of the text in the 30th and 30th frames 1 will be added. Go back to frame 1 and frame 30 to create tween animation;

9) Create a new layer 3, name it "Text", press ctrl+l to open the library, and drag the welcome graphic element to the stage, with the position set as: (x: 9, y: 65);

10) Create a guide layer above Layer 3, drag the welcome graphic component to the stage, and set the position to (x:9, y:65) to break up its components and lock the guide layer;

1 1) Select the Text layer and add four layers named "Star 1", "Star 2", "Star 3" and "Star 4" above it;

12) Drag and drop the star element to the starting point of the edge of the happy word, insert the key frame in the 60th frame, drag and drop the star element to the end point of the edge of the happy word, and return to 1 frame to create the tweened animation; Similarly, for the layers of "Star 2", "Star 3" and "Star 4", do the other three words;

13) Press ctrl+enter to test the movie.

14) Select File-Save to save the file to your own folder, and select File-Export-Export the movie;

This is what our teacher told me, don't you think?