The mountain is high and the road is far. Shouting is the outbreak of silence, and silence is the silent call. I pray, as long as it is not dull, if it is far away, I will go far away. If the mountain calls me, I will go to the mountain, and my feet will be worn out. Simply let the sunset smear the road, and my hand will be scratched. Simply turn thorns into azaleas. There is no longer road than feet. There is no mountain higher than man. Wang Guozhen, the author of The Mountain is High and the Road is Far, but his poems have really conquered young readers. Wang Guozhen's poems are pure, free and easy, elegant, philosophical and speculative. In a climate where a vague poetic style has brought dullness and decline to the literary world, this is tantamount to a fresh wind. The mountain is high and the road is far, which is the representative work of Wang Guozhen's poetry. This poem expresses an enterprising, persistent, optimistic and confident emotion, and shows the fighting, enterprising, high-spirited and uplifting spirit of contemporary youth, and draws a clear line with those moaning decadent voices and those empty and boring rhetoric poems. It inspires people and gives them healthy and upward spiritual guidance, thus winning the love of the vast number of young people.
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