Du Fu, military vehicle dealer, Ma Xiaoxiao, each of you has a bow and quiver on your belt. My parents, my parents, my wife and children all ran to see them. When they marched, the dust covered the sky and they couldn't see xian yangqiao. On the way, holding soldiers' clothes, eating and crying, the sky rushed into the sky. Passers-by asked the soldiers how they got there, saying only that the roster was frequently recruited. Some people go to the north of the Yellow River at the age of fifteen, even if they go to the western border to open up wasteland at the age of forty. Long in the middle, the hair is tied up with a headscarf, and when I come back, I am bald and guarding the border. On the border, people's blood flows like the sea, while the heart of Emperor Wu is still beating for the war. Do you know that in 200 areas of eastern China, there are thousands of villages where nothing grows except weeds? Even if a strong woman plows the field with a hoe, nothing will grow on the crops in the field. Moreover, the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty can fight hard, and there is no difference between chickens and dogs when they are rushed to fight. Although the elders have doubts, how dare those who serve complain? Just like this winter, we didn't stop the soldiers west of Hangukou from enlisting. The county magistrate urgently urges people to pay taxes. Where does the tax come from? If you really know that boys are a bad thing, you might as well have a girl. Girls can also marry their nearest neighbors, and boys will die in battle. Don't you see, on the edge of Qinghai, the bones of soldiers killed since ancient times have not been buried. The new ghost wails there, and the old one is loudest in the stormy dark sky. & lt The poem "Solving Problems" is a new Yuefu poem, which is selected from Du Shaoling's poetry collection. "Zou" in Chedian is a genre of Yuefu songs, but the author did not follow the old topic, but used the form of Yuefu folk songs. He used the name "chariot" before "walking", which is a new topic he created himself. The "chariot" in the title of the poem means chariot and is extended to war. This is because the content of this poem is about the tragic situation that the recruiter was transferred to war. This poem was written in the 11th year of Tianbao in Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty (AD 752). At that time, Xuanzong sent troops to crusade against Nanshao, but he was defeated and many soldiers were killed or injured. So he recruited soldiers to supplement and returned to the battlefield. The people refused to recruit, and the court actually arrested people everywhere to join the army. The author witnessed the tragic scene of the recruiter being sent to the battlefield. When he set off, his parents, wife and children saw him off and cried, so he wrote this poem, criticizing the militarism and forced conscription of the politicians and profoundly reflecting the suffering of the people.