Wang Gui was a native of Qi in Taiyuan. After Situ Yun of the Han Dynasty, he was a member of the crown clan of prefectures and counties. Father Guang is a young man with strong military skills and general talents. He had frequent military exploits, and Emperor Wen of Zhou met him very favorably. ?
The track is straight in nature, and he started his career by assisting the city official. When Emperor Wu came to the throne, he was moved to the position of internal history official, and then he was appointed as a confidant. Everyone participates in the affairs of the military and state. From Ping Bing to Ye, he advanced to the rank of general through meritorious service and became the Duke of Tan.
When Wu Mingche, a general of Chen Dynasty, invaded Luliang, Liang Shiyan, the general manager of Xuzhou, was unsuccessful in the battle and retreated to Baozhou City. Ming Che then built a weir with clear water to irrigate it, and lined up ships under the city in an attempt to capture it. The imperial edict made Gui the commander-in-chief of the march and led the troops to rescue him. The rails are submerged in the clear water and enter Huaikou. Large logs are erected, and iron locks are inserted through the wheels to cut off the water flow and cut off the ship's path. If they want to secretly cut the weir, they will be killed.
Only the cavalry commander Xiao Mohe, who went ahead with twenty cavalry, was spared. Ming Che and more than 30,000 soldiers and equipment were captured together with their equipment and baggage. Chen Zhirui died, so Yan Yan was wiped out. After moving to Zhuguo, he still paid homage to the general manager of Xuzhou. He has a serious track nature, is good at strategy, and has the victory of Luliang. He is powerful in the enemy's territory, and the Chen people are very afraid of him. ?
During Emperor Xuan’s expedition to Tuyuhun, Emperor Wu ordered Gui and Yuwen Xiaobo to join him. At that time, the palace Yin Zhengyi and Wang Duan were fortunate to be Emperor Xuan. Emperor Xuan's army was quite immoral, and his translations were all premeditated. The army returned, and Gao and other words were reported to Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu was so angry that he attacked Emperor Xuan. In addition to translating and other names, he also beat Chu. Emperor Xuan then gave him the title of Grand Emperor. When Emperor Xuan ascended the throne, he pursued Zheng Yi and others as close attendants.
Kui knew that it would lead to disaster, so he said to his relatives: "I used to be in the previous dynasty, and I actually applied for the great plan of the country." What happened today is definitely known. This state controls Huainan and is adjacent to strong bandits. If they want to use it for their own benefit, it is easy for them to fight against each other. But the loyalty and righteousness must not be violated. Kuang He, the late Emperor, is so kind. Every time he thinks of dying to be self-fulfilling, how can he be punished by his successor? He wants to betray his morality, but he can only wait for death. His righteousness is not for him. I hope that after a thousand years, I will know this intention. .
In the first year of the Elephant Period, the imperial emissary Du Qianxin went to Xuzhou to kill Gui. The emperor did not accept Yan Zhiyi's advice, so he had him executed. Gui Li was loyal and forgiving, and had great merits. Suddenly he was killed for his innocence, which made the world sad and regretful.