Silver swan, silver swan
Geoffrey Chaucer (geoffrey chaucer)
Rondo of ruthless beauty
Edmund spenser (edmund spenser)
One day, I wrote her name on the beach.
One day, I wrote her name on the beach.
Philip sidney (Philip Sidney)
Aditi ditty
Christopher marlowe (christopher marlowe)
The enthusiastic shepherd sang the songs of the shepherd he loved.
William shakespeare (william shakespeare)
To his lover (sonnet l8) to his lover (sonnet 18)
John donne (john donne)
Farewell: Farewell to mourners: My condolences.
Ben Jonson (Ben Jonson)
Song: For Celia, for Celia.
Still have to be neat and always so elegant.
Go to Lucasta, and go to war before going to Luccia.
André Malve (andrew marvell)
Yeah, his shy girlfriend
Alexander pope (alexander pope)
Excerpted from "On Man 2"
Quiet life
Thomas gray (thomas gray)
Elegy written in a rural cemetery
William blake (william blake)
Chimney sweeper, chimney sweeper boy
Robert burns (robert burns)
Red rose, red rose
John anderson, my love john anderson.
Samuel Rogers (Samuel Rogers)
a burning desire
William wordsworth (william wordsworth)
Narcissus. Narcissus.
Writing on Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802
On Westminster Bridge
She lives in a lonely place.
She lives in a desolate place.