Su Shi
The pavilion is named after the rain, and it is also happy. Ancient people were happy to use famous things to show that they did not forget. Duke of Zhou got the grain with the title of the book; Hanwu is famous for years; Granduncle, named after his son. His joy is uneven, and he never forgets one.
Next year, the official residence will be managed, which is located in the north of the main hall, while in the south, ponds are dug, drainage and trees are planted, thinking it is a place to rest. It is the spring of another year, and the rain wheat has occupied the year in the sunshine of Qishan. People are worried when it doesn't rain in the middle of the moon. In March, it rained, and Jiazi rained. People think this is not enough. Ding Mao's heavy rain stopped in three days. Officials celebrate in the court, businessmen sing in the city, farmers linger in the wild, the worried enjoy themselves, the sick recover, and my pavilion is suitable.
So he lifted the wine from the pavilion as a guest and told him, "It won't rain for five days?" You said,' If it doesn't rain for five days, there will be no wheat.' "If it doesn't rain for ten days," you said, "If it doesn't rain for ten days, there will be no food." Without wheat and food, old people are hungry, prison lawsuits are prosperous, and thieves are arrogant. So my second son and my third son, although we also want to travel and enjoy this pavilion, have we got it? Today, I don't leave my people, but I was given rain at the beginning of the drought so that I could get along with my second and third sons and enjoy the pavilion. They were all given rain. Can it forget evil? "
Not only is the pavilion famous, but it is also sung. The song says: "it makes the rain drop, which the cold can't think of;" It makes it rain like jade, and hungry people will never think it is millet. It has been raining for three days. Who can help? People say that satrap does not exist. Belonging to the son of heaven, the son of heaven said no, the creation belongs to it, and the creation does not take credit for it, but belongs to space. Space is invisible and can't be named. I was named after my pavilion. "
-selected from the four collections of Jin Jing Dongpo's Collected Works.
This pavilion is named after Rain to commemorate the festival activities. In ancient times, when there were happy events, they were used to name things to show that they would never forget. When the Duke of Zhou got rice grains from the emperor, he used "Golden Harvest" as the title of his article. When Emperor Wudi got Baoding, he called it Ding Yuan. Uncle Suntong Chen De defeated Ren Di Qiao Ru and took Qiao Ru as his son's name. Their happy events are different in size, but they have the same meaning.
It was not until the second year of Fufeng that the official residence was built. I built a pavilion in the north of the main hall, dug a pond in the south, drew running water and planted trees as a resting place. This spring, it rained wheat to the south of Qishan, and divination is a good year this year. However, it didn't rain for a whole month, so people were worried. It rained on the third day of March, and it rained again on Jiazi Day. People think this is not enough. It rained heavily again on Ding Mao Day, and it didn't stop for three days. Officials celebrated together in the yard, businessmen sang together in the market, and farmers laughed together in the field. So, the sad people were happy, the sick people were cured, and my pavilion was just created.
So, I raised my glass to the guests in the pavilion and asked them, "Can it not rain for five days?" You will answer,' If it doesn't rain for five days, wheat won't grow.' He asked,' Can it not rain for ten days?' You will answer,' If it doesn't rain for ten days, you can't raise live rice.' No wheat, no rice, natural disasters in the year, many lawsuits and rampant thieves. So even if you and I want to have fun on this pavilion, is it possible? Now God does not abandon the people here. It rains whenever there is drought, so that I can have fun with you in the upper reaches of this pavilion. Thank you for the gift of this rain! Can this be forgotten again? "
After naming the pavilion with it, I went on to sing. The song says: "If pearls are on earth, people suffering from cold can't regard them as short coats;" If there is white jade in the world, hungry people can't take it as food. It rained for three days. Whose strength is this? The people say it's the satrap, and the satrap says it doesn't have this power. Thanks to the son of heaven, the son of heaven denied it. It belongs to the creator, and the creator does not regard it as his own credit, but belongs to space. And the space is so ethereal that I can't name it, so I named my pavilion after the rain. "