Tides rise and fall, snow-capped mountains with dark waves, fishing boat and moon in Pu Yuan. The pine path from the bridge to the temple gate is small, and the sill is as bright as the spring eye of shi bo. The trees are green and the river is dawn all the way, and the fog is red and the sunshine is good in the evening. Looking at the four mountains in the distance, there are thousands of green peaks and light sails. There are thousands of peaks with light sails, and the water meets Yunshan.
On a sunny day, Hai Xia is red and the trees in Xiaotian River are green. Qingbo Shiyanquan is the sill, and the path Songmen Temple faces the bridge. The bright moon is a fishing boat, fishing is a puyuan, and the mountains and rivers are dark with the tide.
Reading this poem, people feel the magnificent scenery of the river and the fishing boat singing late, while reading it backwards depicts the scene of dawn and the fishing boat singing late, showing the author's superb poetry creation skills and profound cultural heritage.
Knowledge expansion:
Palindrome is a unique form of poetry, which is characterized by that both forward reading and backward reading can form meaningful poems. This form of poetry has a long history in China, which can be traced back to the Southern and Northern Dynasties.
Palindrome poems can be divided into three types in form: two palindromes, this palindrome and the whole palindrome. Two palindromes mean that every two sentences constitute a palindrome, such as "Liu Yang climbs a folding fan and the moonlight shines on a clear spring". This palindrome means that the first half and the second half of each poem can be independent sentences, such as "the fallen flowers and birds miss the spring scenery, and the bright moon and breeze send the evening cool."
Full palindrome means that the whole poem is read from top to bottom and from back to front, which can form a complete poem, such as "When is the spring flower and autumn moon, how much is known about the past".
The creation of palindrome poetry needs profound cultural accomplishment and exquisite poetic skills. Poets need to skillfully use various rhetorical devices, such as parallelism, antithesis and overlapping. , so that both forward reading and backward reading can be smooth. At the same time, the poet also needs to pay attention to the artistic conception and connotation of the poem, so that the palindrome poem has more ideological depth and emotional expression on the basis of formal beauty.
Palindrome poetry has a certain position and value in the history of literature. It is not only a literary form with unique charm, but also a cultural symbol to express human wisdom and creativity. The creation of palindrome poetry requires the poet to have superb cultural literacy and poetic skills, as well as keen observation and imagination.
Therefore, palindrome became a wonderful flower in China traditional culture, which was praised and praised by later generations.
In modern society, although palindromes are not widely concerned as in ancient times, some poets are still committed to creating this unique poetic form. They use modern language and rhetoric to endow palindromes with new expressive force and vitality.
At the same time, some scholars and literary lovers have studied and discussed palindrome poetry in order to better inherit and carry forward this excellent cultural heritage.
In a word, palindrome, as a unique form of poetry, has profound cultural connotation and artistic value. It is one of the treasures of China's traditional culture and a wonderful flower in the treasure house of world literature.