1. Confucius tells us to establish lofty aspirations in the Analects
"The Analects" itself is not poetry. Although it contains quotes from the "Book of Songs", it has nothing to do with homosexuality. . Regarding the issue of ambition, there are two records in "The Analects of Confucius", the excerpts are as follows:
1. "The Analects of Confucius. Gongye Chang" records - Yan Yuan Ji Lushi, Confucius said: "Yongge said your ambition?" Zilu said: "I wish I could have chariots and horses, light clothes and fur, and have sex with my friends. I would like to have no regrets about it." Yan Yuan said: "I wish there would be no cutting off good deeds and no hard work." Zilu said: "I wish I could hear Zi's ambition." Confucius said: "The old are at peace with it, the friends believe in it, the young are pregnant with it."
2. "The Analects of Confucius. Advanced" records - Zi Lu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, Gong Xihua were sitting down, Confucius said "I think one day lasts a long time, and I don't think so." Ju Ze said, "I don't know. If I know you, how can I do that?" Zilu led you and said to him, "A country with a thousand chariots is spread out between great countries. , coupled with the army and the army, there will be famine, and it will take three years to make you brave, and you will know the method." The master said, "What do you think?" He said, "Fang Liuqi. Ten, if it is fifty or sixty, I will do it in three years, and it will satisfy the people. It is like a gentleman. "Chi, what's the matter with you?" . Regarding the affairs of the ancestral temple, Duan Zhangfu is willing to be Xiaoxiang Yan. Confucius said: "What's the harm? Everyone talks about his ambition." He said: "In late spring, when the spring clothes are ready, five or six people are crowned, and six or seven boys are bathing in Yi, and the wind is dancing with Uzus, chanting and returning." The master sighed and said, "I'm going to point it out." The third son came out, and after Zeng Xi, Zeng Xi said, "What do the three sons say?" The master said, "Everyone has spoken about his ambition." He said : "Master, what's wrong with you?" He said: "Serve the country with courtesy. He won't give in, that's why he said so." "Just asking for it is not a country, and it's not a country." "An Jianfang sixty or seventy is like fifty or sixty, not "A state is not a state?" "What is the unity of the ancestral temple and the feudal lords?" 2. Confucius told us to establish lofty aspirations in the Analects.
The Analects of Confucius itself is not a poem. Although it contains references to the Book of Songs, it has nothing to do with ambition. Regarding the issue of ambition, there are two records in the Analects of Confucius. The excerpt is as follows: "The Analects of Confucius." "Ye Chang" records - Yan Yuan Ji Road Attendant, Zi said: "Yong Ge said your ambition?" Zi Lu said: "I wish to have chariots and horses, light clothes, and friends, and I will have no regrets." Yan Yuan said: "I wish there would be no cutting off good deeds and no giving of hard work." Zilu said: "I wish to hear the ambition of the Master." Confucius said: "The old will be at peace with it, the friends will trust it, and the young will cherish it." "The Analects of Confucius. Advances" records - Zilu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, and Gong Xihua were sitting there, and Zi Lu said, "I have grown up in one day, but I don't think so." Ju Ze said, "I don't know. If I know you, how can I do that?" Zi Lu led you to answer. Said: "A country with a thousand chariots is taken among the big countries, plus troops and troops, so that there will be famine and famine. If you wait for three years, you will have courage and know the way." The master said: " "Qiu, what's the matter with you?" He said to him, "It's sixty or seventy, like five or sixty. If you ask for it, it will be enough for the people in three years. It will be like a gentleman." "Chi, what's the matter with you?" "I said to him, "If I can't do it, I would like to learn it. If the affairs of the ancestral temple are like Hui Tong and Duan Zhangfu, I would like to be the junior prime minister." "Dian, what's the matter with you? "The sound of the drum is very good, and the sonorous sonorous instrument is played without the harp. He said to him: "It is different from the writings of the three masters." The master said: "What's the harm? Each one also expressed his ambition." He said: "In late spring, the spring clothes are ready, five or six people with crowns, six or seven boys, bathing in Yi, dancing in the wind, chanting and returning." The master sighed and said, "I and That's right." The third son came out, and after Zeng Xi, Zeng Xi said, "What do you think of the words of the third son? Confucius said: "Everyone has stated his ambition." He said: "Master, what's wrong with you?" Said: "Serve the country with courtesy. He refuses to give in. That's why he refuses." "Just asking for it is not a country?" "An Jianfang's sixty or seventy is like fifty or sixty, not a country?" "Only if it is red, then it is not a country." "The ancestral temple is united, what is it but the princes?" Red is small, who can make it big? ". 3. Sentences describing an ideal society in the Analects
1. "Mo Chun, the spring clothes are ready, there are five or six crown princes, six or seven boys, bathing in Yi, the wind is dancing, chanting and Return. "The master sighed and said: I am with Dian." ”
2. The king must be pure and upright ("Yan Yuan Chapter"): "The ruler must be upright, and the commander must be upright. Who dares to be unjust?" "The son wants to be good and the people will be good. The virtue of a gentleman, Wind; the virtue of a villain, grass, the wind on the grass will die."
3. "Zilu Pian": "If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told to do." What's the point? If you can't correct yourself, what's the point of correcting people?"), govern the country with virtue ("Government Chapter": "Government with virtue is like Beichen living in his place and having the stars support him"), selecting talents and talents ("Government") "Wei Zheng Pian": "If you do good deeds, you will not be able to teach them."). Ministers should be loyal to the country and obey their superiors ("Xueer Pian": "Serving the king can lead to his own death."), but he must also be loyal to the country. Have the ability to judge right and wrong ("Advanced": "Killing one's father and the king is also disobedient.
4. The people's basic living needs are met, and wealth is distributed evenly ("Ji's Chapter": "Qiu Ye It is said that those who have a country and a family do not worry about being widowed, but worry about inequality, and do not worry about poverty but worry about insecurity; if everyone is harmonious, there will be no poverty, there will be harmony without widows, and there will be no inclination."), education is generally practiced.
5. : "Restraining oneself and returning to propriety is benevolence. For one day, one must restrain oneself and return to propriety, and the world will return to benevolence."
” 4. Poems about ideals
There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the clouds and sails will be hung directly to help the sea.
Li Bai's "The Road is Difficult"
Ande Guangsha Thousands of rooms, sheltering the poor people all over the world, are all happy,
Unmoving in the wind and rain, as peaceful as a mountain!
Du Fu's "Song of Thatched Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind"
1. Nine A platform of layers starts from tired soil; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ——Laozi
2. If Sanyu is not polished, it will not become an article; if a gentleman does not learn, it will not become a virtue. ——Ban Gu
p>3. If you don’t know, then learn; if you don’t know, then ask; even if you know, you must give in, and then you will know. ——Han Ying
4. Read it a hundred times, and the meaning will be apparent to you. ——Chen Shou.
5. Be tireless in learning and teaching. ——"The Analects of Confucius"
6. Accumulating soil becomes a mountain, and accumulating water becomes a sea. ——Xun Kuang
< p> 7. If you want to work hard, grind the iron pestle into a needle. 8. If you read thousands of volumes, you can write with spirit. 9. Wei. Compiling and inkstones, reciting orally to calculate the years. ——Lu You10. Black-haired people don’t know how to study early, and white-haired people regret studying late. ——Yan Zhenqing
11. There is a road to the mountain of books, and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ??learning and hard work is the boat. ——Lai Yizhengshu
12. The work is accomplished by hard work and the waste is by play. — ——Han Yu
13. A penny a day is worth a thousand days; a rope cuts off a tree, and a drop of water penetrates a stone. ——Luo Dajing
14. A man who climbs a mountain and fails in one step. Liu An
15. Wherever you are sincere, gold and stone will open up. ——Fan Ye
16. If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level. ——Wang Zhihuan
17. Nothing in the world is difficult, only for those who are determined; nothing is easy, only for those who are careless. ——Yuan Mei
18. If you have ambition, you will live a hundred years in vain. ——Shi Yukun.
19. Worry and labor can rejuvenate a country, but leisure can destroy one's life. ——Ouyang Xiu
20. The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.
21. An old man is ambitious for a thousand miles; a martyr is ambitious in his old age. ——Cao Cao
22. A horse can’t take ten steps with one leap; . ——Xun Kuang
"Ideal" by Liushahe
Ideal is a fire, lighting up extinguished lamps;
Ideal is a lamp, lighting up the road at night. ;
Ideal is the road, leading you to dawn.
In the age of hunger and cold, the ideal is food and clothing;
In the age of food and clothing, the ideal is civilization.
In an era of chaos, the ideal is stability;
In an era of stability, the ideal is prosperity.
Ideals are like pearls, one after another. ,
Through the past and present, and the future, the radiant light is endless.
Beautiful pearl string, the backbone of history,
The past reflects on the present, the present reflects on the future, and the ancestors reflect on the descendants.
Ideal is a compass, guiding the ship;
Ideal is a ship, carrying you on a long journey to the sea.
But sometimes the ideal is like the arc of the sea and the sky kissing each other.
It is just out of reach, torturing your enterprising heart.
Ideals make you observe life with a smile;
Ideals make you stubbornly resist fate.
Ideals make you forget your premature gray hair;
Ideals make you still naive when your hair turns gray.
Ideal is an alarm clock, crushing your golden dream;
Ideal is soap, washing away your selfish heart.
Ideal is both a kind of gain,
Ideal is also a kind of sacrifice.
The laughter in loneliness, the bitterness in laughter.
Ideals make honest people often suffer misfortunes;
Ideals make unfortunate people survive from desperate situations.
Ordinary people become great because they have ideals;
A person with ideals is a "capital person".
There are always people in the world who abandon their ideals.
Ideals never abandon anyone.
To give new life to sinners, ideal is the fairy grass that revives the soul;
To call back the prodigal son, ideal is a loving mother.
There is no need to be resentful when your ideal has been tarnished.
That is the devil testing your steadfastness.
There is no need to cry when your ideal has been stolen.
Go find it quickly and be careful in the future!
A hero loses his ideals and turns into a mediocre person.
Disgustingly boasts about his achievements;
A mediocre person loses his ideals and turns into a mediocre person.
Cursing the situation in front of him ridiculously.
If they bloom ideally, peaches and plums will bear sweet fruits;
If they sprout ideally, elms and poplars will have deep shade.
Please ride on your ideal horse and set off with a whip.
The spring scenery is just right on the road and the sun is sunny in the sky. 5. Poems about ideals
The old man is still in trouble, but his ambition is thousands of miles.
The martyrs are full of ambition in their old age.
When you reach the top of the meeting, you can see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance.
He can hold the eagle bow like the full moon, look northwest, and shoot at the wolf.
The old man is always ambitious, and the martyr is ambitious in his old age.
(Wei Cao Cao's "The Turtle is Longevity")
2. A Qiji can't take ten steps with one leap; a horse can ride ten times, but the merit lies in perseverance.
(Warring States Period, Xun Kuang's "Encouragement to Learning")
3. One penny a day, a thousand days a thousand; wood is broken by a rope, and a drop of water penetrates a stone.
("Jade Dew in the Cranes and Forests" by Luo Dajing of the Song Dynasty)
4. For the sake of nine people, the success falls short. (Huainanzi by Liu An of the Han Dynasty)
5. Where there is sincerity, gold and stone will open. (Book of the Later Han Dynasty by Fan Ye of the Southern Dynasty and Song Dynasty)
6. If you want to see a thousand miles away, go to the next level. ("Climbing the Stork Tower" by Wang Zhihuan of the Tang Dynasty)
7. Nothing is difficult in the world, only for those who are determined; nothing is easy, only for those who are careless.
(Qing Dynasty Yuan Mei's "Suiyuan Poems")
8. If you have ambitions, you will not be young, but if you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain. (Shi Yukun, "Three Heroes and Five Righteousnesses" of the Qing Dynasty)
9. Worry and labor can rejuvenate a country, while leisure can destroy one's life.
("New History of the Five Dynasties? Preface to the Biography of Lingguan" by Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty)
10. The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.
Lai Yizheng's "Thousands of Seven-Character Couplets")
From the top of the meeting, you can see all the mountains and small mountains
1. The nine-story platform, rises In tired soil; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
(Spring and Autumn Period, Laozi's "Tao Te Ching")
2. If Sanyu is not polished, it cannot be an article; if a gentleman does not learn, it cannot be a virtue.
(Han Bangu's "Book of Han")
3. If you can't learn, learn; if you don't know, ask; although you know, you must give in, and then you will know.
("Han Shi Wai Zhuan" by Han Ying)
4. Read it a hundred times, and its meaning will become apparent. (Jin Chen Shou's "Three Kingdoms")
5. Be tireless in learning and teaching. (The Analects of Confucius)
6. Accumulating soil becomes a mountain, accumulating water becomes a sea. (Xun Kuang's "Confucianism" in the Warring States Period)
7. If you want to have deep skills, grind an iron pestle into a needle. (Ming Dynasty Cao Xuequan's "Sichuan Guangji")
8. Read more than ten thousand volumes, and write like a god.
(Twenty-Two Rhymes Presented to Wei Zuocheng by Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty)
9. Wei Bian repeatedly used iron inkstones to wear them, and he recited them orally and copied them by hand to count the years. ("Jiannan Poetry Manuscript" by Lu You of the Song Dynasty)
10. Black-haired people don't know how to study hard early, and white-haired people regret studying late. ("Encouraging Learning" by Yan Zhenqing of the Tang Dynasty)
11. There are roads in the mountain of books, hard work is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ??learning, and hard work is the boat.
("Thousands of Seven-Character Couplets" written by Lai Yizheng)