The creator of Albanian films.
Screenwriters F. Gata, P. Dadao, D. Agolli, N. Tosa, K. Diro, etc. The directors who have made many films are K. Damo, H. Akani, M. Fizzo, V. Gika, P. Dadao, K. Mata and D. Keke. The main actors are Roach, K. Shanach, S. Prosi, H. Frasheri, E. Mano, P. Mani, N. Ricardo Roberto Barreto da Rocha, D. Chisky, T. Couty, R. AnaNosti and A. Santo. The main photographers are S. Cogona, F. Bazaar, I. Gelbi, B. Calder and B. Roboye. Albania has held its own film festival in Tirana since 1976. The picture shows the classic Albanian film series: Mountain Girl.