Early period: The messenger went to the fortress (Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty). The bicycle wanted to ask about the border, but the country passed by Juyan. Zheng Peng left Hansai, returned to Yan and entered Hutian. The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun is setting over the long river. When Xiao Guan meets Hou Qi, they all protect Yan Ran. Sending Li Shijun of Zizhou (Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty) to thousands of valleys with towering trees and thousands of mountains ringing with cuckoos. It rained all night in the mountains, and there were hundreds of springs under the trees. The Han women lost the cloth, and the Ba people sued for the taro fields. Wen Weng turned over professors and did not dare to rely on sages. Watching the Hunting (Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty) The strong wind and the sound of bows and horns are blowing, and the general is hunting in Weicheng. The grass is dry, the hawk's eye is weak, and the snow is gone, and the horse's hooves are light. Suddenly we passed Xinfeng City and returned to Xiliu Camp. Looking back at the shooting place, the clouds are flat at dusk for thousands of miles. Passing Xiangji Temple (Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty) I didn't know Xiangji Temple, but I entered Yunfeng several miles away. There are no people walking through the ancient trees, and there is no clock in the deep mountains. The spring is filled with dangerous rocks, the sun is cold and the green pines are green. In the dusk, the empty pond is melodious, and Zen is used to control the poisonous dragon. Lin Tiao of the Han River (Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty) is connected with Chu and Sai and the three of Hunan, and connected with the nine factions of Jingmen. The river flows beyond the sky and the earth, and the mountains are beautiful. In the county town of Bucheonpo, waves ripple across the sky. It's a nice windy day in Xiangyang, and I'm left drunk with the mountain man. Later period: Mengcheng Ao, Mengchengkou, the new home, with old trees and willows remaining. Who will come again? There was empty sadness in the past. Huazigang is full of birds, and the mountains are full of autumn colors. Up and down Huazigang, how melancholy it is! Wenxing Pavilion Wenxing is cut into beams, and lemongrass is knotted into a space. I don’t know the clouds in the building, but they are like rain on earth. In Jinzhuling, the sandalwood trees reflect music in the sky, and the greenery ripples. Secretly entering the merchant's road, the woodcutter cannot know. Lu Chai No one can be seen in the empty mountain, but people's voices can be heard. Returning to the deep forest, the light shines on the moss again.
His early works were five-character poems, not quatrains! ! ! ! 2009-11-25 20:06:27 Supplement: Wrong exposure, Zhong Touqu