At that ignorant age
I was just his son
I didn't know what he was doing when I was hungry and nursing
I wet the bed in the middle of the night
I didn't know what he was doing
I had a cold and a fever
I didn't know what he was doing
What's more. Our meals
When I go to school,
My father leads me to school
When I have a cold and a fever,
My father carries me to a distant clinic
When I can take care of myself,
I am a son who can feel my father
When I am hungry
Does my father say that the food is good
When I am nervous about my studies. When I was sensible,
I knew
he was my father
At that time, in my dream,
I was also a father.
When my son was hungry and nursing,
I shook my child and made faces to tease him to nurse.
When my son wet the bed in the middle of the night,
I got up and quietly changed his clothes and held him until dawn.