The county magistrate bid farewell to the flood-fighting officers and soldiers. Do these farewell scenes make you feel warm?

The county magistrate bid farewell to the flood-fighting officers and soldiers. These farewell scenes make me feel warm. This year has been eventful. The COVID-19 epidemic broke out, and the Wuhan epidemic was brought under control, and then the southern flood broke out. With the support of officers and men fighting floods, the floods are no longer raging.

These events make us feel happy living in China, and we also know that we should be grateful. Thanks to the medical staff of Wuhan epidemic, they braved hardships, sacrificed themselves for others, left their families behind and went to Wuhan alone to help those who were attacked by the virus. After the outbreak of the great flood in the south, the flood-fighting officials, who worked hard and were not afraid of their own sacrifices, contributed their own strength to flood control. The flood-fighting officials are carrying supplies step by step on the road to fighting floods, all by his shoulders. No matter how difficult it is, they can overcome it, just to protect our home. These are all worth moving and learning.

Saying goodbye to the scene, I learned on the website that the county magistrate was crying. Yes, as people who fought together for a long time, they joined hands to fight the flood, but after the flood, they had to leave again. This is equivalent to people who have fought side by side with us. Of course, they don't want to leave us, so they are really unwilling, but they have to. They want to go where they belong to help more people, which also makes us feel that we live in China.

For our new generation of young people, we should also learn from the spirit of our ancestors, do something we can, help others spread this spirit, put it into practice, let more people learn and practice, and make our lives happier.