1. In 1984, he wrote the poems "Chinese Painting" and "Poems on the Yangtze River", etc., which attracted widespread attention.
2. In 1985, he was seconded to Beijing's "Poetry Magazine" to engage in editorial work, and published the poetry collections "Farewell" and "Memorial".
3. Starting from 1986, the style of poetry changed and became more solemn, bidding farewell to youthful writing. The representative works of this period include "Touch", "Landscape", "Premonition", etc., and the poetic theory "The Encounter between Man and the World".
4. In 1992, he went to the UK as a visiting scholar. He returned to China in 1994 and was later transferred to the Chinese Department of Beijing Institute of Education.
5. From writing "Pasternak" in 1990 to later writing "A Lonely House by the Sea", "Kafka", "Wake Up", etc. while traveling in Europe, he has made great contributions to Chinese poetry. The influence of the world is gradually increasing.
6. After 1996, represented by "London Essay" and "Elegy", new exploration of poetry began. Published poetry collections include "The Voice of a Palm", "Swimming on the Cliff", etc.