Those who jade from the Song Dynasty are from the Yan people of Chu, so there is a jade tomb from the Song Dynasty in Yicheng. It started with Qu Yuan, who was exiled and asked for help from his friends in Chu. Jing Chai was afraid that he would defeat himself, so he told the king, who regarded him as a minor minister. Yu asked his friend, and the friend said: "My husband, Jiang Gui, was born because of the land, not because of the land; beautiful women are married because of a matchmaker, not because of a matchmaker. I am the one who gets an official position with my son, and the one who is unhappy with the official position is my son." "Yu said: "If Dong Guo Suan is the cunning rabbit in the world, he will travel nine hundred miles a day, and he will inevitably die at the mouth of Han Lu. However, if the hunter sees it from a distance, he will track it. It's not as good as a cunning rabbit. If you follow the traces and let them go, you will not be able to avoid them. What I said to the king is that you are far away and don't belong to me. Is it possible to follow the traces and let them go? Wang Yu knew music and was good at writing, and King Xiang loved music and poetry. Although he admired his talent, he still hated him like Qu Yuan. He said: "Zi Yu followed the customs of Chu, so that the people of Chu valued the virtues of his son?" He said to him: "In the past, there were people in Chu who were good at singing, and the king heard about it? Then he said "Xia Li" and "Ba Ren", and the country was harmonious. There are thousands of people who belong to it; in the middle, they are called "Yang'a" and "Cailing", and there are hundreds of people who belong to the country; then there are hundreds of people who are called "Yangchun", "Baixue", "Asahi" and "Yuli" ③, and they belong to the country. There are no more than ten people who are harmonious; Han Shang Tujiao ④, Juejie went to Qu, and there are no more than three people in the country who are harmonious. The music is high, and the harmony is few. "... King Xiang of Chu and Song Yu traveled there. The Wilderness of Yunmeng will make Song Yu write about the affairs of the Gaotang Dynasty. Looking at the Chaoyun Pavilion, there are clouds above; they are almost straight up, and suddenly change their appearance, and the changes are endless in a moment. The king asked Song Yu, "Why is this so angry?" He replied: "In the past, the late king (King Huai of Chu) traveled to the Gaotang Dynasty and slept during the day. He dreamed of a woman who was as warm as clouds and as bright as stars. Before he arrived, he looked at it carefully and saw the shape of Xi Shi. He was delighted and asked: "I am the daughter of the Red Emperor, named Yao Ji. She died before leaving and was sealed on the balcony of Wushan." , the essence is based on the grass, it is actually Ganoderma lucidum. '"
(Selected from Xiangyang Qi Ji Ji by Jin Xi) Qu Yuan's name was Ping, the same surname as Chu. ... When King Huai of Chu heard the slander, he was angry and exiled him. Qu Yuan wrote all the poems in "Li Sao" to mourn his own wounds... After Qu Yuan's death, there were disciples of Song Yu, Tang Le and Jing Chai in Chu, all of whom were good at diction and were famous for their poems. However, even though our ancestor Qu Yuan spoke calmly, no one dared to give direct advice.
(Selected from Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng") Notes ① Jing Cha: Jing Cha (chā), a poet of Chu Ci and Fu in the Warring States Period. ② Dong Guo Suan and Han Lu: "Warring States Policy" has a story of "Han Lu chasing Suan": in the legend, the fastest dog is called Han Lu, and the fastest and cunning rabbit is called Dong Guo Suan (suān). One day, Han Lu chased Dongguo Suan around three mountains five times, but in the end he was too tired to move. ③"Xia Li", "Ba Ren", "Yang A", "Cai Ling", "Yang Chun", "White Snow", "Asahi" and "Yu Li": are all the names of the music. ④Hanshang Tujiao: refers to singing skillfully and beautifully. Shang and Jiao are ancient musical scale names. ⑤媪: zú, refers to the mountain. 5. For the explanation of the added words in the following sentences, the incorrect one is (3 points) A. Yu Rang his friends
Rang: verb, expressing apology and humility. B. Friends thank you and reply to the king
Thank you: verb, apologize, apologize. C. Both beauty and talent
Beauty: The adjective is used in a verb, meaning "to appreciate... as beauty". D. Named Yao Ji, she died before she could do it.
Xing: This means "grow up and get married". 6. Wang Yi, a famous scholar of Chu Ci in the Han Dynasty, once commented that Song Yu was "able to argue skillfully and be good at writing". The following group of evidence can be proved by ① Yuan was exiled and asked for help from friends in Chu.
② Husband Jiang Guiyin Born from the ground, not suffering from the ground. ③ If you follow the traces and let them go, even Dongguo Suan will inevitably do it.
④ Zi Yu followed the customs of Chu, so that the people of Chu valued the virtues of his son? ⑤ His music is high and his harmony is low
⑥ They are all good at diction and are famous for their poems. ①②④
B. ①⑤⑥
C. ③⑤⑥
D. ②③④7. In the following analysis and summary of the relevant content of the selected passage, the incorrect one is A. Song Yu directly inherited and continued Qu Yuan's poetry and artistic style, and made great achievements in Chu Ci, thus establishing his important position in literary history. B. Song Yu was eloquent, and when faced with perfunctory excuses about scenery, he used allusions to Han Lu and Zhu Suan to refute; when King Xiang of Chu persuaded him to change the style of his article, he responded with the story of "highbrow and low-key" to show that he did not It will change the style of writing. C. As a literary minister to the King of Chu, Song Yu had a low-level official position, but he repeatedly sought for help, and later won the appreciation of the King of Chu with his superior talent. D. As a literary master of his generation, Song Yu's talent and character were not only universally praised at the time, but also highly praised by Xi Zhichi and Sima Qian. 8. Please translate the underlined sentences in the classical Chinese reading materials into modern Chinese. (10 points) (1) I am the one who gets an official position by being a good person, but I am a son who is dissatisfied with the official position. (3 points) (2) There are less than three people in the country who belong to the country and are harmonious. (3 points) (3) Did Ziyong follow the customs of Chu and make the people of Chu appreciate the virtues of his son? (4 points)
Reference answers
5. A (let, blame)
6. C (① Song Yu asked Jing Cha to recommend him, ② Jing Cha’s excuse, ④ King Chu persuaded Song Yu to change his writing style.)
7. D (Song Yu’s character was praised and highly praised at that time and in later generations, which is inconsistent with the original text.)
8. (1) I was the one who introduced you to the official position; the one who did not like being an official was you.
(2) There are less than three people in the capital who are singing along. (3) Why don’t you obey the customs of Chu State and make the people of Chu State value your virtues?
Classical Chinese reference translation
Song Yu was from Yandi, Chu State. So there is still his tomb in Yicheng. At first he followed and served Qu Yuan. After Qu Yuan was exiled, he asked his friend Jing Chai to serve the King of Chu. Jing Cha was afraid that Song Yu would be better than himself, so he simply told the King of Chu, and the King of Chu only gave Song Yu a small position. Song Yu then blamed Jing Cha, who said: "Although ginger and cinnamon depend on the land to grow, they do not get their spicy taste because of the land; although beautiful women rely on the introduction of matchmakers to get married, they do not rely on matchmakers to get married. I am the one who introduced you to the official position. As for your dissatisfaction with the official position, it is up to you." Song Yu said: "Dongguo Suan is the most cunning rabbit in the world. He can run nine hundred miles a day. In the end, Han Lu would inevitably catch up and bite him, but the key to whether Han Lu could catch Dongguo Suan was whether the hunter commanded him properly. ) traces of the cunning rabbit, then even though Han Lu is a famous dog that is good at running, he still cannot catch up with the cunning rabbit; if the hunter seriously gives Han Lu instructions to follow the cunning rabbit's footprints closely, and lets go of the rope to let him chase, then , even though Dongguo Suan is good at running, he will definitely not be able to escape. Now, when you introduce me to the King of Chu, do you just casually show the traces, or do you carefully guide the prey's footprints and let go of the rope (let me do my best)?" After hearing this, Jing Cha immediately apologized and cautiously recommended Song Yu to the King of Chu again. Song Yu knows music and is good at writing articles. King Xiang of Chu also loved music and poetry (articles). He admired Song Yu's talent, but hated his (writing style) which was similar to Qu Yuan. So he said to Song Yu: "Why don't you obey the customs of the Chu State and make the people of Chu value your virtues?" Song Yu replied: "There once was a man in the Chu State who was very good at singing. Has your Majesty heard of it?" He sang "Xia Li" and "Ba Ren", and thousands of people in the capital sang along with him; in the middle, he sang "Yang'a" and "Cailing", and hundreds of people in the capital sang along with him; finally he sang "Yangchun" "White Snow", "Asahi" and "Fish Li", there were less than ten people in the capital singing along with them; the songs were sung to perfection, low and free, extremely elegant, and the beat and melody were so wonderful that more than ten people in the capital were singing along. There are three people. This is because the more elegant the song, the fewer people will sing along. "... King Chu Xiang took Song Yu to visit the Yunmeng area and planned to ask Song Yu to write an article about Gaotang. Seeing many clouds and mist gathering on the precipitous mountains, with towering peaks and floating and changing clouds, he asked Song Yu: "What is this?" Song Yu replied: "The late king once came here to visit. When he felt tired, he took a rest during the day and dreamed of a woman. , as gentle as clouds, as erratic as stars, seeming to move but not moving, seeming to float and then stop. Looking carefully, they are as beautiful as Xi Shi. The late king asked happily: "I am the little daughter of Red Emperor, my name is Yao Ji." , died before getting married and was buried in the south of Wushan. My soul blended into the vegetation and turned into Ganoderma lucidum.