Catalogue making
The table of contents is used to list the titles of all levels in the document and the corresponding page numbers of the titles in the document. Firstly, a concept of Word is introduced: outline level. Word uses a hierarchical structure to organize documents, and the outline level is the level number of the paragraph. Word provides nine outline levels, which is enough for ordinary documents. Word's table of contents extraction is based on outline level and paragraph style, and conventional templates have provided built-in title styles named "title 1", "title 2", "title …… and" title 9 ",which correspond to outline level 1-9 respectively. We can also replace the built-in title style with a custom style, but it is a bit troublesome. The following directory making method directly uses the title style built in Word. For methods of customizing styles, please refer to the help document of Word.
The catalogue is made in three steps.
1) Modify the format of the heading style. Usually, the title style built into Word does not meet the requirements of the paper format and needs to be modified manually. Click Format | Styles on the menu bar, select All Styles from the list drop-down box, click the corresponding heading style, and then click Change. Modifiable contents include font, paragraph, tab stop, number, etc. The format of the title 1-3 is modified according to the requirements of the paper format.
2) Apply the corresponding format to the title paragraph of each chapter. The title of the chapter is "Title 1", the title of the section is "Title 2" and the title of the third level is "Title 3". Another advantage of using styles to format titles is that it is very convenient to change the title format. If you want to change the font size of all the first-level titles to small three, you only need to change the format setting of the "title 1" style and then update it automatically. The font size of all chapters will be changed to small three, which is troublesome and easy to make mistakes without manual modification. For information about how to apply styles and automatically update styles, see Word Help.
3) Extract the directory. According to the requirements of the paper format, the table of contents is placed in front of the text. Insert a new page before the text (insert a page break before the title of the first chapter), move the cursor to the beginning of the new page, add the word "table of contents" and set the format. For a new paragraph, select Insert | Index and Table of Contents in the menu bar, click the Table of Contents tab, and the display level is level 3. Don't change anything else. After confirmation, Word will automatically generate the table of contents. If a chapter title is not in the directory, it must be that the title style is not used or used improperly, and there is something wrong with the directory generation, not Word. Please go to the corresponding chapter to check. After that, if the chapter title changes or the page number changes, just update the table of contents.
After the directory is generated, sometimes the directory text will have gray shading, which is the domain shading of Word and will not be printed when printing (you can try to print the directory if you are willing to waste a piece of paper). On the View tab of Tools | Options, you can set how field shading is displayed. ?
How to make a catalogue
The following content can teach you how to make a directory. I hope it helps you:)
If you are a fan of Flash or picture collection, there must be many beautiful animations or pictures in your folder. But many files are crowded in one folder, which is not convenient enough to view. For another example, a lot of your information is also stored in a folder, which takes a lot of effort to find. In this case, if there is a directory file, it can easily manage and find the files you collected and saved. How to make it? Please read on.
To make a directory file, you need to copy the file names of all files in the folder into it, and then give each file name a link, so that you can click any file name with the mouse to open the corresponding file in the folder. There are two steps to be taken here, that is, copying the file name and link.
1. Copy the file name
If there are not many files in the folder, you can use F2 key (rename) and "Ctrl+C" (copy) and "Ctrl+V" (paste) operations to copy and paste the files into the directory file. If there are many files in the folder, you can also use a DOS trick to make the partition containing the files into a list file, and all the file names in the folder will be stored in the list file. The files in the folder listed here are Asian chapters in the author's geographic data. There are many national data documents in this folder. First, you need to move the folder named "Asian Chapter" to the root directory of the disk, and then rename it, preferably with a simple name, such as 1 1. After that, it is much easier to operate the following DOS commands. Enter "MS-DOS mode" and type c: \ XXX > dir/s & gt; 1 1.txt and press enter (XXX is the directory where you save information). In this directory, you can find a file named 1 1.txt, which is the file name we need to copy. We just need to copy and paste these parts with file names into the directory file, and modify the redundant records to generate an original directory file. The original directory file here means there is no link.
Join the link
The operation here can be done in Word or in FrontPage. The method is the same. First select a file name, then click the right mouse button and select "Hyperlink" in the pop-up menu. A "Insert Hyperlink" window will pop up. Finally, click the File button under Browse Target and select the correct link under the File Link window. The file name of the link will be displayed in blue and underlined. Click and try to see if the link is correct. Although making links is simple, too many files will upset you. At this time, turn on Winamp to listen to music and do it while listening. You will feel very relaxed. Needless to say, after the mood is completed, you can save the completed document as a web page, that is, an Html file, or you can save it as a point document and modify it at any time. When there are too many file names, you can also use the Find command to locate them. How's it going? Is it convenient?
How to make a table of contents in word
Word document with large chapters and small chapters.
How to extract chapters and generate a table of contents? Simple answer: Open the WORD document to be edited → Position the cursor where the directory needs to be inserted → Select the Insert menu → Quote-> Indexes and Contents → Contents, and then click OK. -A table of contents is usually an indispensable part of a long document. With the table of contents, users can easily know what is in the document and how to find it.
Word provides the function of automatically generating the table of contents, which makes it very simple to make the table of contents, and after the document changes, you can also use the function of updating the table of contents to adapt to the changes of the document. First, create a title directory Word generally uses the title or outline level to create a directory.
Therefore, before creating a table of contents, you should ensure that the built-in heading styles (heading 1 to heading 9) have been applied to the headings to be displayed in the table of contents. You can also apply styles that include outline levels or custom styles.
If the structure and performance of the document are good, it will be very fast and easy to create a qualified directory. 1. Creating a directory from a heading style The steps to create a directory from a heading style are as follows: (1) Move the cursor to the position where you want to drag the directory.
(2) Click the index and directory menu item in [Reference] of the insert menu item, and select the directory tab in the pop-up index and directory dialog box. (3) Select the style of the directory in the format list box, and the selected result can be viewed through the print preview box.
If From Template is selected, the logo will use the built-in directory style (directory 1 to directory 9) to format the directory. If you want to change the style of the directory, you can click the Change button to modify the corresponding directory style by changing the style.
2. Create a table of contents from other styles If you want to create a table of contents from documents with different styles, for example, you don't need to create a table of contents from the title 1 to the title 9, but create a table of contents from the custom style 1 to the style 3. The operation steps are as follows: (1) Move the cursor to the location where you want to insert the directory. (2) In the Directory tab, click the Options button to open the Directory Options dialog box.
(3) Find the style used by the title in the list box of valid styles, and then specify the level of the title in the directory level text box. If you don't want to use styles, delete the number in the directory level text box.
(4) Click OK to return to the Index and Directory dialog box. (5) Select the appropriate options in the Index and Table of Contents dialog box, and then click OK.
Second, create a chart directory The chart directory is also a common directory, in which you can list the descriptions of pictures, charts, graphics, slides or other illustrations, as well as their page numbers. When creating a table of figures, users can arrange the table of figures according to their captions or custom table labels, refer to the page order, and finally display the table of figures in the document.
The method of organizing the table of contents by using captions is as follows: (1) Make sure that the pictures, tables and graphics in the document to be cataloged have captions. (2) Move the cursor to the place where you want to insert the chart directory.
(3) Click the Index and Directory menu item in the Insert menu [Reference], and select the Chart Directory tab in the Index and Directory dialog box. (4) In the caption label drop-down list box, select the caption of the directory to be created, such as charts, formulas and tables.
(5) Select a directory format in the format drop-down list box. Other options are the same as creating a universal directory. Click OK after confirmation. After checking the chart table of contents, when you move the mouse to the table of contents, the mouse pointer will change into a hand shape, and click the left mouse button to jump to the corresponding position.
It is very convenient to use captions to create a table of contents, but sometimes the annotations in a document are typed by users themselves, not added by the caption function of Word. At this point, you need to use a custom style to create a chart table of contents. The method is as follows: (1) Open the index and table of contents dialog box and select the table of contents tab.
(2) Click the Options button to pop up the Chart Directory Options dialog box. (3) Select the style check box, select the name of the style used for chart labels in the drop-down list box on the right, and then click OK.
(4) Select an option in the Index and Catalog dialog box, and then click OK. Third, create a citation catalog Citation catalogs are similar to other catalogs, and different citation catalogs can be created according to different citation types.
Before creating a reference table, you should ensure that there are corresponding references in the document. The operation steps of creating a table of quotations are as follows: (1) Move the cursor to the position where you want to insert the table of quotations.
(2) Click the Index and Directory menu item in [Citation] in the Insert menu, and select the Citation Directory tab in the pop-up Citation and Directory dialog box. (3) Select the corresponding reference category in the category. Please note that this category should be a citation type that has been created in the citation.
(4) The created citation catalog also has corresponding built-in citation catalog styles that can be applied. If you want to change it, you can click the Change button. (5) If the page number of the citation exceeds 5 pages, you can select the "Use everywhere" check box, which can avoid the inconvenience caused to users by too many pages.
(6) If the quotation is too long, you can choose to keep the original quotation format. (7) After selecting the tabulation leader and format of the directory, click OK.
If you want to mark citations and create an appropriate citation directory, you can do this: (1) Select the citations to mark. (2) Open the [Citation Directory] dialog box, and click the Mark Citation button to pop up the Mark Citation dialog box.
(3) Select the appropriate type in the category drop-down list box. (4) Click the Mark button to mark the currently selected text. If you click the Mark All button, the selected text that exists in the document will be marked.
(5) If you want to mark other references, do not close the Mark References dialog box, and directly select the references to be marked in the document. (6) Return to the Mark Citation dialog box, the selected citation will appear below the selected citation, and then click Mark.
(7) If you want to modify an existing category, you can click the Category button. (8) Select the option to modify.
How to make a table of contents in WORD? Please be more specific.
How to catalog in WORD, you can use the system to automatically generate the table of contents.
The method comprises the following steps:
1. In a WORD document, set the title to the title format, and select "Title 1" in the start tab, then the system can recognize it as a title and generate a table of contents hyperlink.
2. In the toolbar at the top of the home page where you need to insert the directory, click the "Reference" tab and select "Directory".
3. Click "Insert Directory" in the pop-up options to enter the relevant settings.
4. You can use the system default style and click OK in the lower right corner.
5. Return to the WORD document and find that the directory has been successfully generated in WORD.
How does word make a table of contents
If you want to generate the table of contents automatically, you should set the title format when typing the file.
I. Operate 1 when entering a title. When you open a WORD document and enter a title, click the style window on the left side of the font bar in the menu, and select "Title 1" to select the font and font size. If you want to display the secondary theme in the table of contents, you should select "Theme 2" when entering the secondary theme. 2. When entering text, you should select "Text" in the style window.
3. The document has been written, and the level of the topic can also be set according to the method of 1. The topic setting is completed, and there is a small black square sign on the left side of the topic.
2. Automatically generate a directory when writing files. Operation: 1. Place the cursor on the directory you want to add. 2. Click "Insert/Index and Directory/Directory" and select the top level in the display level column to determine how many levels there are in the directory; Select the display page number, page number right alignment and dotted line style.
3. confirm. At this point, the directory has been generated in the location you specified.
Three, the font and spacing of the generated directory can still be directly adjusted in the directory. 183262。
Please list the detailed steps of how to make a directory with WORD.
Put the cursor at the beginning of the article.
Open the Insert drop-down menu, select Reference → Index and Table of Contents → Table of Contents, select the level of table of contents, select display page number, align the page number to the right, and then click OK.
After generating the directory, you can click the directory link by holding down the "strl" key.
However, to perform the above operations, the following conditions must be met:
First, the table of contents uses outline level or title style, and the title format should be set when typing articles.
What to do when entering the title format:
When entering a title, click the style window on the left side of the format toolbar, or open the style and format under the format menu, and a style and format bar will appear on the right side, mainly using title 1, title 2, title 3 and text. Title 1, title 2 and title 3 are applied to the titles of all chapters in the main text respectively.
Of course, the title 1, title 2, title 3 and the attributes of the text (such as font size, center, bold, etc. ) you can modify it yourself. Modification method: right-click Title 1 and select Modify to pop up the menu Modify Style. You can modify it according to your own requirements. Click "Format" in the lower left corner of the dialog box to pop up the drop-down menu. Select Paragraph to format the paragraph, and then click OK.
If the article has been written, you can make up the above operations. Select the title or paragraph that needs to be stylized, and select the corresponding level; For the next same title and paragraph, just put the cursor on the title or paragraph to be stylized and select the corresponding level. After doing the above, a small black square sign will appear on the left side of the title.
Tip: If the article has been written, it will be more convenient to press Ctrl+A to select all documents, click "Text" and then set each title.
Second, if you haven't inserted the page number, you need to insert the page number.
1. Click Page Number on the Insert menu.
2. In the Location box, specify whether to print the page number in the header at the top of the page or in the footer at the bottom of the page.
3. In the Alignment box, specify whether the page number is left, center or right aligned with respect to the page margin.
4. If you don't want the page number to appear on the home page, you can clear the Show Page Number on Home Page dialog box.
After all this is done, you can start the operation.
If you modify the content of the article again, you need to right-click in the directory area and select "Update Domain" to update the directory.
After selecting "Update Domain", select the second "Update Whole Directory" point to confirm. It doesn't matter.
How to make a WORD directory?
A table of contents is usually an indispensable part of a long document. With the table of contents, users can easily know what is in the document and how to find it.
Word provides the function of automatically generating the table of contents, which makes it very simple to make the table of contents, and after the document changes, you can also use the function of updating the table of contents to adapt to the changes of the document. 6. 10. 1 Create a title table of contents Word generally uses the title or outline level to create a table of contents.
Therefore, before creating a table of contents, you should ensure that the built-in heading styles (heading 1 to heading 9) have been applied to the headings to be displayed in the table of contents. You can also apply styles that include outline levels or custom styles.
If the structure and performance of the document are good, it will be very fast and easy to create a qualified directory. 6. 10. 1. 1 The steps to create a directory from a title style are as follows: (1) Move the cursor to the position where you want to drag the directory.
(2) Click Insert Menu Item Index and Directory Menu Item, and select the Directory tab in the pop-up Index and Directory dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-43. (3) Select the style of the directory in the format list box, and the selected result can be viewed through the print preview box.
If From Template is selected, the logo will use the built-in directory style (directory 1 to directory 9) to format the directory. If you want to change the style of the directory, you can click the Change button to modify the corresponding directory style by changing the style.
6. 10. 1.2 Creating a table of contents from other styles If you want to create a table of contents from different styles of a document, for example, you don't need to create a table of contents from the style of title 1 to title 9, but from the style of custom style 1 to style 3, as shown below: (/kloc-0
(3) Find the style used by the title in the list box of valid styles, and then specify the level of the title in the directory level text box. If you don't want to use styles, delete the number in the directory level text box.
For example, users can delete the numbers after the titles 1, 2 and 3 in the directory level. (4) Click OK to return to the Index and Directory dialog box.
(5) Select the appropriate options in the Index and Table of Contents dialog box, and then click OK. 6. 10.2 Creating a chart directory A chart directory is also a common chart directory, which can list descriptions and page numbers of pictures, charts, graphs, slides or other illustrations.
When creating a table of figures, users can arrange the table of figures according to their captions or custom table labels, refer to the page order, and finally display the table of figures in the document. The method of organizing the table of contents by using captions is as follows: (1) Make sure that the pictures, tables and graphics in the document to be cataloged have captions.
(2) Move the cursor to the place where you want to insert the chart directory. (3) Click Index and Table of Contents in the Insert menu, and select the Chart Table of Contents tab in the Index and Table of Contents dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-46.
(4) In the caption label drop-down list box, select the caption of the directory to be created, such as charts, formulas and tables. (5) Select a directory format in the format drop-down list box. Other options are the same as creating a universal directory. Click OK after confirmation.
After checking the chart table of contents, when you move the mouse to the table of contents, the mouse pointer will change into a hand shape, and click the left mouse button to jump to the corresponding position. It is very convenient to use captions to create a table of figures, but sometimes the labels in a document are typed by the user, not added by the caption function of Word.
At this time, you need to create a chart directory using a custom style, as follows: (1) Open the index and directory dialog box as shown in Figure 6-46, and select the chart directory tab. (2) Click the Options button to pop up the Chart Directory Options dialog box as shown in Figure 6-47.
(3) Select the style check box, select the name of the style used for chart labels in the drop-down list box on the right, and then click OK. (4) Select an option in the Index and Catalog dialog box, and then click OK.
6. 10.3 Creating a citation catalog is similar to other catalogs, and different citation catalogs can be created according to different citation types. Before creating a reference table, you should ensure that there are corresponding references in the document.
The operation steps of creating a table of quotations are as follows: (1) Move the cursor to the position where you want to insert the table of quotations. (2) Click the Index and Directory menu item in the Insert menu, and select the Citation Directory tab in the pop-up Citation and Directory dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-48.
(3) Select the corresponding reference category in the category. Please note that this category should be a citation type that has been created in the citation. (4) The created citation catalog also has corresponding built-in citation catalog styles that can be applied. If you want to change it, you can click the Change button.
(5) If the page number of the citation exceeds 5 pages, you can select the "Use everywhere" check box, which can avoid the inconvenience caused to users by too many pages. (6) If the quotation is too long, you can choose to keep the original quotation format.
(7) After selecting the list header and directory format, click OK to insert the citation directory as shown in Figure 6-49. If you want to mark citations and create an appropriate citation directory, you can do this: (1) Select the citations to mark.
(2) Open the dialog box as shown in Figure 6-48, and click the tag reference button to pop up the tag reference dialog box as shown in Figure 6-50. (3) Select the appropriate type in the category drop-down list box.
(4) Click the Mark button to mark the currently selected text. If you click the Mark All button, the selected text that exists in the document will be marked. (5) If you want to mark other references, do not close the Mark References dialog box, and directly select the references to be marked in the document.
(6) Return to the Mark Citation dialog box, the selected citation will appear below the selected citation, and then click.