Grace is relative to righteousness. Grace comes from God's mercy. Justice is what you deserve, that is, you are treated fairly according to your actions. Grace is something you don't deserve, a promise beyond your actions. For a sinner, according to justice, his price is death, and according to God's grace, he will get a chance to turn over a new leaf.
Points for attention and grace:
The scope of grace is all mankind, which is out of God's mercy. God does not want sinners to die. He hopes that everyone will not die and be saved. But many people are unwilling to repent, and grace is wasted, so God can only judge with justice. Grace is given to us in vain, but it also needs human cooperation.
God's grace is a promise, that is, an irrevocable contract signed and sealed by Party A.. It describes the opportunity of human atonement. This opportunity is obtained in vain, everyone has it, but not many people can seize it. Talent is different from grace and grace. Talent is a special talent given by God.