How does The Count of Monte Cristo reflect Dumas' romantic literary thought?

Around six o'clock in the evening; Milky white mist hangs over the blue sea; The autumn sun shines through this halo and scatters its golden light on the blue sea. The heat in the daytime has gradually subsided, and the breeze blows over the sea, like the breath exhaled by nature after waking up from a nap; A refreshing breeze blows the Mediterranean coast, spreading the fragrance of flowers and plants mixed with fresh seawater everywhere.

In this vast sea from Gibraltar to Neil and from Tunisia to Venice, a neat, beautiful and agile yacht is passing through the light fog at dusk. Like a swan spreading its wings in the wind, it glides smoothly on the water. It quickly and gracefully left a glowing water mark behind it. Gradually, the sun disappeared on the western horizon: but as if to confirm the fantasy of mythologists, the unfinished afterglow danced on the crest like a flame, which seemed to tell people that the sea god Anfei Derity held Vulcan in his arms. Although she tried to hide her lover under her big blue blanket, she could never hide it. Although the wind on the sea is not enough to blow a girl's curly hair, the yacht is very fast. On the bow stood a tall, dark-skinned man. His eyes were wide open, looking at a piece of land under pressure when they approached. This land stands in the boundless waves, like a huge Catalan conical hat.

"Is this the island of Monte Cristo?" The passenger asked in a low, depressed voice. The yacht seems to be sailing according to his orders.

"Yes, my Lord," said the captain, "here we are!"

"Here we are! The passenger repeated this sentence in an indescribable sad voice. Then he whispered, "Yes, that's the port." So he smiled more sadly than tears and fell into a series of thoughts. A few minutes later, I saw a fleeting light on the island, and a gunshot reached the yacht almost at the same time.

"My Lord," said the captain, "the signal came from the island. Do you want to answer it yourself? "

"What signal?"

The captain pointed to the island and a wisp of smoke rose from the edge of the island.

"Ah, yes," he said, as if waking up from a dream. "Give it to me."

The captain gave him a live carbine; The passenger slowly lifted it and fired a shot into the air. Ten minutes later, the sailor put away his sails and anchored 500 feet from the small port. The boat has been put on the water. There are four boatmen and a helmsman on board. The passenger got off the boat, and the stern was covered with a blue carpet as his cushion, but instead of sitting down, he put his hand on his chest. The boatmen waited, their oars half above the water, as if seabirds were drying their wings.

"Let's go," said the passenger. Eight oars were inserted into the water together without splashing a drop of water, and the boat glided forward quickly. After a while, they arrived at a naturally formed small port; The bottom of the boat touched the beach and stopped.

"My Lord, please ride on the shoulders of these two men and let them take you ashore." The young man made an indifferent gesture to this invitation and stepped into the water himself, reaching his waist.

"Ah, my Lord!" The helmsman said softly, "You shouldn't do this. The host will blame us. "

The young man continued to follow the sailor in front. After about thirty steps, they landed on land. The young man stamped his feet on the hard ground and looked around hard. He wanted someone to show him the way, because it was completely dark. Just as he turned around, a hand fell on his shoulder and a voice startled him.

"Hello, Maximilian! You are very punctual, thank you! "

"ah! Is it you, count? " Said the young man in a voice almost happy, holding Monte Cristo's hand tightly with both hands.

"Yes, you see, I also like you for the appointment. But you are still dripping, my dear friend. I have to do what Kylie Purso did to De Lemarcq. Homer's masterpiece "Odyssey": Kylie Purso is the goddess who lives on the island of Ogakia. De Lemarcq's ship was wrecked and was taken to her island after being rescued. I'm telling you, you have to change. Come on, I've prepared a place for you. You will soon forget the fatigue and cold there. "

Monte Cristo found that the young man turned around again, as if waiting for someone. Morrel was surprised that those who brought him left without saying a word. It turned out that they had returned to the yacht, and he could hear them paddling.

"Ah, yes," said the count, "are you looking for those sailors?"

"Yes, they left before I paid them."

"Leave it alone, Maximilian," said Monte Cristo with a smile. "I have reached an agreement with people in the maritime industry that all passengers coming to my island are free. In the words of civilized countries, there is an' agreement' between me and them. "

Maximilian looked at the count in surprise. "Count," he said, "you are not the same as you were in Paris."


"Here, you smiled."

The count's face became gloomy again. "You're right, Maximilian, you reminded me to come back to reality," he said. "It's nice to see you again, but I forgot that all happiness is fleeting."

"Oh, no, no, count!" Maximilian seized the count's hand and shouted, "Please laugh. You want to be happy, you want to be happy, and you want to prove that life is only the burden of those who suffer. Oh, how kind and kind you are! You pretend to be happy just to encourage me. "

"You are wrong, Morrel. I was really happy just now. "

"So you forgot, it doesn't matter."

"Why do you say that?"

"Yes, just as the Roman soldiers said to the Roman emperor before entering the stadium, I also want to say to you: the dead come to pay tribute to you. "

"Has your pain not eased?" Asked the count with a strange expression.

"Oh!" Morrel's eyes were full of pain. "Do you really think I can?"

"Please listen to me," said the count. "Do you understand what I mean? You can't treat me like an ordinary person, but as a person who only talks nonsense endlessly. When I asked you if you felt the pain relieved, I told you as a person who can understand people's inner secrets. Well, Morrel, let's go deep into your heart and explore. Is the pain of letting your body beat like a wounded lion still so strong? Are you still eager to vent your pain in the grave? Does the regret that forced you to lay down your life to die still exist? Is it because courage is exhausted and troubles want to suppress the light of hope? Have you lost your memory so much that you can't cry? Oh, dear friend, if you entrust everything to God, then, Maximilian, you have been freed by God. Stop complaining. "

"Count," said Morrel in a firm and calm tone, "listen to me. Although my body is still on the earth, my mind has risen to heaven. I came to you because I wanted to die in my friend's arms. There are really not many people I love in the world. I love my sister and her husband. But I need someone to open a solid arm and smile at me when I am dying. My sister will faint in tears, and I will suffer because of her pain. Emmanuel will stop my action and let the whole family know that only you, the count, are not mortal. If you have no body, I will call you a god. You can even gently and kindly lead me to the door of death, can't you? "

"My friend," said the count, "I still have some doubts-are you so proud to show off your pain because you are too weak?"

"No, really, I am calm," said Morrel, extending a hand to the count. "My pulse is neither faster nor slower than usual. No, I just feel that I have reached the end of the road and can't walk any further. You want me to wait and hope. Do you know how much you spent on me? You're an unfortunate and clever man. I waited a month, that is to say, I was tortured by pain for a month! I hope (man is a poor animal) I hope-hope what? I can't say it-a magical thing, an absurd thing, a miracle. Only God knows what it is. God mixes the idea of hope with our reason. Yes, I am waiting, yes, I hope, count. During this quarter of an hour of our conversation, you may not realize that you have broken my heart again and again, because everything you say proves to me that I have no hope. Oh, count! Please let me walk into the arms of death quietly and happily! " Morrel was so excited when he said these words that the count could not help shivering. "My friend," continued Morrel, "you set October 5 as the deadline, and today is October 5." He took out his pocket watch. It's nine o'clock now, and I still have three hours. "

"Well," said the count, "please follow me."

Morrel followed the count mechanically, and unconsciously, they entered a cave. He felt a carpet under his feet, a door opened, a strong fragrance surrounded him, and a brilliant light dazzled him. Morrel stopped and dared not go any further. He was afraid that what he saw would soften his will. Monte Cristo shook his hand tenderly. He said, "When the ancient Romans were sentenced to death by their emperor King Nile, they sat in front of a table full of flowers and smoked the fragrance of roses and corydalis flowers. Why don't we learn from the Romans and spend the remaining three hours like them? "

Morrel smiled. "Whatever you want," he said, "is always death, forgetfulness, rest, detachment from life and pain." He sat down, and Monte Cristo sat opposite him. In the magic restaurant we described before, the baskets on the heads of the stone statues are always full of fruits and flowers.

Morrel looked at all this blankly, perhaps seeing nothing. "Let's talk like men." He looked at the count and said.

"Please go ahead!" Replied the count.

"Count!" Morrel said, "All human knowledge is concentrated on you. You give me the impression that you come from a more progressive world than us."

"There is something in what you say," said the count with that melancholy smile that made him very handsome. "I come from a planet called pain."

"Everything you said to me, I believe, don't even ask its meaning. So, if you want me to live, I will live. You give me hope, and I almost have hope. So count, I take you as someone who died once. I venture to ask, is death painful? "

Monte Cristo looked at Morrel with indescribable feelings. "Yes," he said, "yes, of course it is very painful. Of course, it is painful for you to destroy the body that insists on survival by violence. If you stab a dagger into your flesh, if you shoot a bullet running around the window into your brain, it will be extremely painful. If you shake slightly, of course you will suffer, and you will abandon your life in an abominable way. The price of pain and despair is much better than such an expensive rest. "

"Yes," said Morrel, "I know that death, like life, has its secrets of pain and happiness. It's just that most people don't know. "

"You're right, Maximilian. Death, according to the way we deal with it, can be a friend who pats us to sleep like a nurse, or an enemy who rudely drags his soul out of the body. One day, when human beings have lived for thousands of years, when human beings can control all destructive forces in nature to benefit human beings, as you just said, when human beings have discovered the secret of death, then death will be like sleeping on a beloved person.

"If you want to die, you will die like this, won't you, count?"


Morrel held out his hand. "Now I understand." He said, "Now I understand why you took me to this lonely island in the sea, this underground palace. Because you love me, don't you, count? Because you love me deeply, let me die sweetly and happily without any pain. Let me hold your hand and call Valentine's name and die slowly. "

"Yes, you guessed it, Morrel," said the count. "This is my intention."

"Thank you! It's sweet to think that I can stop suffering tomorrow. "

"So you don't care about anything?"

"There is nothing to worry about."

"Even I don't care?" Asked the count with great excitement.

Morrel's bright eyes dimmed for a moment, but soon regained that unusual brilliance, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"what!" The count said,' Do you still want to die when you are still worried about the world? "

"Oh, I beg you!" Morrel cried in a low and weak voice, "Stop it, count, and don't prolong my pain!"

The count thought that his determination to die was shaken, and this belief revived the terrible doubt he had overcome at Fort Yves. "I'm trying to make this man happy," he thought. "I want to make him happy to compensate for the pain I have caused him. What if my calculation is wrong? What if this person's misfortune is not serious enough to enjoy the happiness I am about to give him? Only by making him happy can I forget the pain I have caused him. " What should I do, so he said loudly, "Listen, Morrel, I think you are really in pain, but you still believe in God, and you probably don't want to risk releasing your soul." According to Christian teachings, human life is given by God, and people have no right to destroy their own lives. So people who commit suicide can't get rid of their souls. -translation]. "

Morrel smiled strangely. "Count," he said, "I won't be sentimental. My soul no longer belongs to me. "

"Maximilian, you know I don't have any relatives in this world. I have always regarded you as my son. In order to save my son, I can even sacrifice my own life, not to mention my property. "

"What do you mean?"

"I mean: you want to end your life because you don't know that you can get all the happiness with a large fortune. Morrel, my property is almost 100 million, and I will give it to you. With such a fortune, you can do whatever you want. Are you ambitious? You can do any business. Let yourself do it! Never mind-just live. "

"Count, you have promised me," said Morrel coldly. He took out his pocket watch and said, "It's already 1 1 half past one."

"Morrel, do you have the heart to stay in my house and let me watch you die?"

"Then please let me go," said Maximilian. "Otherwise, I will think that you love me, not for me but for yourself." He stood up.

"Very well," said Monte Cristo, and his face suddenly brightened. "Are you determined to die. Yes, as you said yourself, you are really in pain, and only a miracle can cure your pain. Sit down, Morrel, and wait a little longer. "

Morrel did as he said. The count stood up, opened a cupboard hanging on his gold chain and took out a beautifully carved small silver box. Four stooped women are carved on the four corners of the box, symbolizing angels who will fly to heaven. He put the silver box on the table, then opened the box and took out a small gold box. When he pressed the secret button, the lid of the box opened automatically. There is a thick jelly in the box, because the box is decorated with gold, jade, ruby and sapphire, which makes the box colorful, so the color of this jelly can't be seen clearly. The count scooped up a spoonful of this stuff with a gold-plated silver spoon and handed it to Morrel, keeping his eyes fixed on him. At this time, you can see that thing is light green.

"This is what you want," he said. "That's what I promised you."

"I thank you from my heart." Said the young man, taking the silver spoon from the count.

Monte Cristo picked up another silver spoon and dipped it into the golden box.

What are you doing, my friend? Asked morrel, seizing his hand.

"Morrel," he said with a smile, "May God forgive me! I am as tired of life as you are, since there is such an opportunity. "

"Slow down!" The young man said. "You, there are people you love in this world, and others love you. You have confidence and hope. Oh, don't be like me. It's a crime for you. Farewell, my noble and generous friend, farewell, and I will tell Valentine what you have done for me. "

So, while holding the count's hand, he slowly but without hesitation swallowed the mysterious thing that Monte Cristo gave him. Then they were both silent. A Dai Ali carefully brought a pipe and coffee, and then went out. Gradually, the lamp in the stone statue's hand gradually dimmed, and Morrel felt that the fragrance in the room seemed to be not as strong as before. Monte Cristo sat in the shadow opposite him and looked at him. Morrel only saw the count's shining eyes. A great sadness came to the young man's mind, his hands gradually relaxed, and things in the room gradually lost their shape and color. In a daze, he seemed to see the doors and curtains on the wall.

"Friend," he shouted, "I think I'm dying, thank you!" He tried to reach out his hand, but it hung feebly beside him. At this time, it seemed to him that Monte Cristo was smiling there, not the strange and terrible smile when he saw through the secrets in his heart, but the loving smile of a father to a baby. At the same time, the count became tall in his eyes, almost twice as tall as usual, appearing on the red curtain, his black hair swept back, and he stood there like an angel who would punish the wicked at the final judgment. Morrel collapsed feebly in the round-backed armchair, and a pleasant numbness permeated every blood management system. His mind presents unpredictable ideas, like patterns in a kaleidoscope. He feebly lost consciousness of external things. It seems that he went into a cold coma before he died. He wanted to hold the count's hand again, but his hand could not move at all. He wanted to say goodbye to the count for the last time, but his tongue clumsily blocked his throat, like a stone in the mouth of a statue. His tired eyes closed involuntarily. However, looking out from his drooping eyelids, he vaguely saw a figure moving. Although he thought it was dark around, he recognized the man as an earl. He just opened a door.

The room next door, to be more exact, is a magical palace, and a bright light immediately entered the door of Morrel's hall. She was pale and with a sweet smile, like a loving angel who drove away the angel of revenge. "Has the gate of heaven been opened for me?" The dying man thought, "That angel is really like the girl I lost." Monte Cristo motioned the young woman to Morrel's dying armchair. She crossed her hands and walked towards him with a smile.

"Valentine! Valentine! " Morrel shouted from the depths of his soul, but there was no sound in his mouth. All his energy seems to be focused on his inner passion. He sighed and closed his eyes. Valentine rushed at him, his lips still moving.

"He is calling you," said the count. "You put your fate on him, but death wants to tear you apart. Luckily, I was there. I defeated death. Valentine, from now on, you will never be separated in this world, because he has died bravely to find you. If it weren't for me, you'd all be dead. I reunited you two. May God put the two lives I saved on my account. "

Valentine seized the count's hand, raised it to her lips, and kissed it with an irresistible impulse of joy.

"Oh, thank me again!" The count said, "Please tell me that I have restored your happiness. You don't know how much I need to make sure of this! "

"Oh, yes, yes, I really thank you!" Valentine said, "If you doubt my sincere gratitude, go to Hyde! Ask my dear sister Hyde, who has been talking about you since we left France. Let me wait patiently for this happy day. "

"So, you love Hyde!" Asked Monte Cristo with an uncontrollable excitement.

Oh, great! I love her with all my heart. "

"Oh, then! "Listen, Valentine," said the count, "I want to ask you something."

"Me? God, can I have such an honor? "

"Yes, you just called sister Hyde. Let her really be your sister, Valentine, and give me all your gratitude. Please take good care of her with Morrel, because, "the count's voice choked with excitement," she has been lonely in this world since then. "

"A lonely man!" Repeated a voice behind the count. "Why?"

Monte Cristo turned around, and Hyde stood there, pale and cold, looking at the count with a surprised and strange expression.

"Because tomorrow, Hyde, you will be free, and you can have your due position in society. You are a princess. You are the prince's daughter! I will return your father's wealth and reputation to you. "

Hyde's face is even paler. She raised her white hands to the sky and cried in a hoarse voice with tears: "So you are leaving me, my Lord?"

"Hyde! Hyde! You are young and beautiful. Forget my name and live a happy life! "

"Very well," Hyde said. "Your orders should be obeyed, my Lord. I will forget your name and live a happy life. " She stepped back and was ready to leave.

"My God!" Cried Valentine, who was leaning beside Morrel and resting his head on her shoulder. "Can't you see how pale she is? Don't you see how painful she is? "

Hyde replied with a heartbreaking expression, "Why do you want him to understand whether I am in pain or not? My sister? He is my master and I am his slave. He has the right not to look at these. "

The count listened to the voice that touched his deepest heart. When his eyes met that of the girl, he felt that he could not bear the dazzling light. "Oh, God," he cried, "is it true that you have made me vaguely think? Hyde, do you really feel happy with me? "

"I'm still young," Hyde replied softly. "I love this sweet life you arranged for me, and I don't want to die."

"So you mean, if I leave you, Hyde-"

"Yes, I will die, my Lord."

"Then do you love me?"

"Oh, Valentine! He asked me if I loved him. Valentine, tell him if you love Maximilian. "

The count felt his heart swell and beat wildly. He opened his arms and Hyde let out a cry and threw himself into his arms. "Oh, yes!" She shouted, "I love you! I love you like a father, a brother and a husband! I love you as much as I love life and God. Because you are the best and noblest person in the world. "

"So, may everything be as you wish, my angel. God inspired me to fight against the enemy, gave me victory, and prevented me from ending my victory with penance. I wanted to punish myself, but God forgave me! Then love me, Hyde! Who knows? Maybe your love will make me forget all the things I should forget. "

"What do you mean, my Lord?"

"I mean, your words have given me more enlightenment than twenty years' long experience. You are the only one for me in this world, Hyde. Because of you, I will start my life again. With you, I can feel pain and happiness again. "

"Did you hear what he said, Valentine?" Hyde shouted, "He said he could feel pain again because of me-but I'd rather give my life for him."

The count thought quietly for a moment. "Did I find the truth?" He said, "but whether it's compensation or punishment, I'm resigned." Come on, Hyde, come on! " So he put his arm around the girl's waist, shook hands with Valentine and walked away.

After another hour or so, Valentine watched Morrel anxiously and silently. Finally, she felt his heartbeat and gave a faint breath from his mouth, which announced that life had returned to the young man's body. There was no expression, and then I gradually recovered my vision. With the recovery of my vision, trouble came again. "Oh," he cried in despair, "the count lied to me, and I'm still alive."

So he reached for the table and grabbed a knife.

"Dear!" Valentine shouted with a lovely smile, "wake up and look at me."

Morrel shouted, and he knelt down like a madman, full of doubts, as if he had seen the sight of heaven and felt dizzy.

The next morning, at dawn, Valentine and Morrel walked arm in arm by the sea. Valentine told Morrel everything. Finally, how miraculously let her know the truth, how he exposed the crime and saved her life, while others thought she was dead.

No sooner had they found the door of the cave open than they came out of it. At this moment, the last few night stars are still shining brightly in the light blue morning sky. At this moment, Morrel saw a man standing among the rocks, as if waiting for their greetings. He pointed him out to Valentine.

"ah! That's Jacob, "she said. "He is the captain of this cruise ship." So she motioned for him to come.

"Do you have anything to talk to us about? Asked morrel.

"The count has a letter for you."

"A letter from the count?" They both said in surprise.

"Yes, please have a look."

Morrel opened the letter and said

"My dear Maximilian, there is a small sailboat moored for you on the island. Jacobs will take you to Wally, where Monsieur Noirtier is waiting for his granddaughter. He hopes to bless you before leading his granddaughter to the altar. My friend, everything in this cave, my house on the Champs Elysé es and my villa in Ligang are all wedding gifts from Edmond Dantès to the son of ship owner Morrel. Please also ask Miss Villefort to accept half of it, because her father has now become a madman, and her brother died with his mother in September. I want to ask her to donate the property she inherited from her father and brother to the poor. Morrel, tell the angel that you will care about your life, and ask her to pray for someone who, like Satan, once thought he could rival God. But now, with Christian inferiority, he admits that only God has supreme power and infinite wisdom. Maybe those prayers will ease his guilt. As for you, Morrel, let me tell you a word of confidence. There is no happiness or misfortune in the world, only the contrast of circumstances. Only those who have experienced hardships can feel supreme happiness. You have to experience death to feel the joy of life. Live and live a happy life, my precious children. Never forget until God reveals the future to people. All human wisdom is contained in two words: wait and hope.

Your friend Edmond Dantès, the Count of Monte Cristo. "

Valentine didn't know her father's madness and her brother's death until she read this letter. When reading this letter, her face turned pale and a sad sigh came from her chest. Silent but equally heartbreaking tears rolled down her cheeks. Her happiness is expensive.

Morrel looked around uneasily. "But," he said, "the count is so generous that Valentine will be satisfied even if I have only a little property. Where is the count, my friend? Take me to see him. "

Jacob pointed to the horizon in the distance.

"What do you mean?" Valentine asked, "Where is the count? Where is Hyde? "

"Look!" Jacob said.

The eyes of the two young men looked at the place pointed by the sailor. In the distance, where the sea meets the sky, they saw a small piece of white sail, as small as the wings of seabirds.

"He's gone!" Morrel said, "He's gone! Goodbye, my friend! Farewell, my father! "

"He's gone!" Valentine also whispered, "Farewell, my friend! Farewell, sister! "

"Who knows if we can see him again?" Morrel said with tears in his eyes.

"My friend," replied Valentine, "didn't the count just tell us? All the wisdom of mankind is contained in these four words:' wait' and' hope'! "