What is the standard of the newspaper?

Upstairs is complete nonsense. I hate people who copy a lot of wrong questions to answer.

I'm a student at the School of Journalism, and I'm also studying newspaper typesetting recently. Let me give you some definite answers! But I just learned the home page ranking. I rank People's Daily, which is the most standard edition of the newspaper.

Listen carefully.

First of all, the font size should be set to small five, and the text in the newspaper is small five.

Then, the text is Founder Song (because we use Founder system, most newspapers use Founder system), the editorial is italicized, the picture description is italicized, the telegram header is in bold, and the reporter's name is in bold.

As for the font size and font of the topic, it depends on the master. If you do it yourself, try to look at it one by one and use which one you think is good. Themes do not have a standard font size.

I only know so much, I hope I am satisfied with my answer!