Divide syllables

The method of dividing syllables is as follows:

Find the vowels: When there are multiple vowels in the word, the method is the same; the vowels find the consonants forward; the vowels find the consonants to form pinyin , counts as a syllable; the vowel cannot find the consonant and is pronounced by itself to form a syllable; the consonant is assigned to a syllable that sounds smoothly, and there are up to three consonants before and after the vowel str-ai-ght.

The formula for dividing syllables:

The first one is at the back, the second one is separated, and the middle one is to the left and right. Combining letters counts as one, and common combinations must be followed. At the end of the word, add a syllable to e and there are two types of pronunciation. If the two words are connected or not, listen to the sound to verify the last head.


A syllable is the smallest phonetic unit in a language that is pronounced by a combination of a single vowel phoneme and a consonant phoneme. A single vowel phoneme can also form a syllable by itself. Chinese syllables are phonetic units composed of initial consonants and finals. A single final can also form a syllable by itself.

For non-tonal languages ??such as English, Spanish, and Russian, the main body of pronunciation is syllables. For tonal languages ??such as Chinese and Thai, the pronunciation has not only syllables but also tones, and the syllables plus tones are the pronunciation. Mandarin Chinese has about 400 syllables and about 1,300 pronunciations. Syllables are different from musical measures. Many people have a confusing understanding and should be distinguished.


Chinese syllables are usually pinyin syllables that are a combination of initial consonants and finals. There are also pinyin syllables that are a combination of two finals, and there are also syllables with a single final; borrowed from phonetic languages The consonant phonemes in mark the initial consonant phonemes of Chinese, and the combination of vowel phonemes and consonant phonemes marks the final phonemes of Chinese.

Stressed closed syllables:

Syllables can be divided into stressed syllables and unstressed syllables according to stress. Stressed syllable: refers to a syllable with a particularly loud pronunciation in a two-syllable or multi-syllable word, which is called a stressed syllable. It is marked with the accent symbol "`" in the corresponding position. The other syllables are unstressed syllables, such as begin [bi'gin]. Monosyllabic words are stressed but not marked with accent marks.

The stressed closed syllable in English means that the so-called vowel letter does not pronounce its own letter sound. The stressed closed syllable refers to the syllable in a syllable that ends with a consonant phoneme and is a stressed syllable, such as apple. The delimited syllable should be ap/ple. The ap in front of it is a syllable ending with the consonant phoneme p, which is a closed syllable.