The sun stands for Apollo): ★ The patron saint of archery, art and science, and the god of justice and punishment. At first, he was the sun god, the son of Zeus and Leto, the twin brother of the moon god and the hunting goddess themis, and one of the twelve Greek gods, also known as Phobos. The most remarkable thing is his predictive ability. He represents bright, eternal youth, beauty, harmony and peace. In charge of medicine, literature, poetry, music, etc. The laurel is his sacred tree, and his favorite pets are dolphins and crows.
The moon represents Artemis): ★ The chaste hunting goddess was originally the moon god. Themis is the twin sister of Apollo and one of the three virgins. So it is also called the patron saint of virgins. She is the owner of wild animals, an excellent archer and a major hunter in heaven. Her other hobby is dancing. Cypress is her sacred tree, and deer is her favorite pet.