The correct interpretation of psalm 29

Poetry XXIX 1 "(the poem of David. O sons of God, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength. 」

Psalm 29: 2 "Give the Lord the glory due to his name, and worship the Lord with holy ornaments. 」

If people don't give God "the glory he deserves", they will give God's glory to false gods or themselves, which is what God hates most. Because God said, "I will not give my glory to false gods, nor my praise to carved idols" (Isaiah 42: 8).

"Children of God" may refer to "angels" or "celestial bodies".

"Worship the Lord with holy ornaments" literally means "worship the holy and glorious Lord" (English ESV translation).

Psalm 29: 3 "I heard the voice of the Lord on the water; The god of glory thundered, and the Lord thundered over the great waters. 」

Psalm 29: 4 "The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of majesty. 」

Verses 3-9 describe God's "glory" and the mighty storm (verse 3). The storm blew from the Mediterranean Sea "above the flood" in the west (section 3), violently crossed Lebanon and Mount Hermon in the northernmost part of Canaan to the east (sections 5-6), and then turned to the south, shaking the "Kadesh wilderness" in the southernmost part (section 8).

In this article, God uses the "Voice of the Lord" seven times (verses 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9) to show glory, just as God created it with words seven times in the first chapter of Genesis. Whether it is the storm of nature, the storm of human history or the storm in our life, it is initiated and used by God. Everyone who belongs to God should listen to the "voice of the Lord" issued in the storm and "give glory to him for the name of the Lord" (v. 2).

Psalm 29: 5 "The voice of the Lord shattered the cedars; The LORD shattered the cedars of Lebanon. 」

He also made them leap like calves, Lebanon and Sirian like wild calves. 」

When the voice of the Lord sounded (v 5), the tallest and most beautiful cedar (v 5) was first smashed: "One day, the Lord Almighty will punish those who are arrogant, and everyone who exalts himself will be humbled" (Isaiah 2: 12).

"Xilian" means "breastplate", which is the name of Mount Hermon by Sidon and that of Mount Hermon by Phoenicians. Lebanon and Western Union are continuous mountains, shaking like frightened "wild calves" under the impact of storms.

Above: Mount Hermon is in the northernmost part of Israel, with an altitude of 28 14m. It is the highest mountain in Israel, located in the south of East lebanon mountains. "Xilian" is the Phoenician name of Mount Hermon. 1967 After the Six-Day War, the south and west slopes of Mount Hermon were controlled by Israel.

Psalm 29: 7 "The voice of the Lord divides the flame. 」

Psalm 29: 8 "The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shook the wilderness of Kadesh. 」

Psalm 29: 9 "The voice of the Lord makes the doe give birth, and all the trees are bald. All who are in his temple call him glory. 」

"The voice of the Lord splits the flame" (v. 7), describing lightning. The wilderness of Kadesh (v. 8) is in the south of Canaan. "Stir the doe to give birth" can also be translated as "shake the oak tree".

When everything shakes in the storm, people close to God "all claim his glory". Because we know that the master of this storm is our God, who started this storm and made "all things work together" (Romans. 8: 28), so that we know the "voice of the Lord" in the sun and the "voice of the Lord" in the storm. Therefore, the unbeliever only sees the storms, pains and difficulties in life, while the believer sees "his glory"

Psalm 29: 10 "When the flood flooded, the Lord sat as king; God is always king. 」

Psalm 29 1 1 "The Lord will give strength to his people; The Lord will keep his people safe. 」

This poem is like a symphony, played with great momentum, but ended gently and safely; It begins with "Glory to God" (1), but ends with "Peace to Man" (1 1). When Christ is born, the angels will once again sing this hymn of glory: "Glory to God in the highest place! May God bless those who please him! (road 2 14).

The original text of "Flood" (section 10) is only used to describe the great flood (Gen. 6: 17) and great turmoil in Noah's era. No matter how turbulent the world is, God always "sits as king" (section 10), in charge of nature and history, and gives "strength" and "peace" to those who belong to him. Therefore, no matter how terrible the environment is, we can rest assured, because it is our father God who wants us to experience God's "power" in the storm to cope with the pressure and difficulties, and finally enjoy God's "blessing of peace" and rest in Christ.