Matt 2: 1 1 When he entered the house and saw the child and his mother Mary, he fell down and worshipped the child, opened the treasure box and offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The so-called "three treasures": gold, frankincense and myrrh.
In today's Christian circles, it is generally believed that there are three Oriental doctors, which is inferred from the three kinds of gifts offered, but this speculation is not reliable.
According to the eastern custom at that time, "gold" was a gift to the king; "Frankincense" is a gift to priests; Myrrh is a gift for the dying.
In the Bible, "gold" symbolizes the dignity and glory of divinity, "frankincense" symbolizes the fragrance of resurrection and "myrrh" symbolizes the pain of death. These three gifts show three characteristics of Christ: He is incarnate, that is, God came into the world as a human being ("gold"), gave his life to die for us sinners ("myrrh"), and finally rose from the dead ("frankincense").
(1) They didn't see the child until they entered the room; To see Christ, one must enter the Holy Spirit or the church.
2 "See ... worship ... offer" This is a spiritual command: our true worship comes from seeing the Lord; Anyone who truly worships the Lord should naturally offer something to him.
(3) Seeing the child and his mother Mary pays attention to the child first, and then to the mother, indicating that the child is older than the mother; The Lord should be the head of all things (west 1: 18).
(4) "only bow down to the son" to see the son and mother, and only worship the son and mother; It is said that you should not worship anything except Christ (Matt. 4: 10).
(5) Our dedication to the Lord is based on our knowledge of the Lord; The more we know the Lord, the greater our dedication; If we know the value of the Lord, we will be willing to give him the most precious gift.
(6) We should give our best and everything to the Lord who loves us and gives himself up for us.
(7) Kneeling must first have the will to submit; Dedicated gifts must first have dedicated love.
(8) "Frankincense" also symbolizes the fragrance of life (after the forest14 ~15); Jesus Christ has three characteristics in this world: as the glory of God-"gold"; There is a complete life on the earth-"frankincense"; There is another kind of victorious death-"Myrrh."
(9) Father God knew the travelling expenses of Yue Se's family, so he sent Dr. Dongfang to donate money; If we dare to follow God, then God will be responsible for providing all our expenses.
(10) If the property is in our hands, the use is restricted; But once put in the hands of the Lord, it will play a huge role in fulfilling God's will.
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