In the fourteenth year of Lu (496 BC), Confucius was 56 years old. He is in charge of state affairs by a senior scout, and his face shows joy. His disciple said, "I am not afraid when I hear that there is a great disaster in the county. I am not happy when Dafu comes." Confucius said, "There is one saying, but isn't there another saying,' Being in a high position makes you happy and treat corporal with courtesy'?" So he killed Shao Zhengmao, a doctor who disturbed the national government. After three months of Confucius' participation in politics, the merchants selling pigs and sheep dared not ask exorbitant prices; Male and female pedestrians walk separately; No one picked up what fell on the road; Tourists from all over the world come to the city of Lu, and they don't need to ask for favors and gifts from officials. Can get satisfactory care, as if returning home.
Qi was very scared when he heard the news, and said, "If Confucius continues to be in power in Lu, he will definitely seek hegemony. Once Lu dominates, we will rely on it to annex us first. Why not send them some land first? " Lee? He said, "Let's try to stop them first. If it fails, give them the land. Is it too late? " So he selected 80 beautiful women from Qi, put on gorgeous clothes, taught her how to dance recreational dance, and gave them to Lu Jun together with 120 horses with patterns. First, put the female music and the float outside the high gate in the south of Lucheng. Ji Huan Zi wore casual clothes and went to see it again and again. He intends to accept it. He told lujun that he borrowed the name of traveling around the world, took the opportunity to visit the beauty and horses of Qi all day, and was too lazy to take care of the political affairs of the country. Lutz saw this situation and said to Confucius, "Teacher, we can leave here." Confucius said, "Lu is going to sacrifice in the suburbs now. If the barbecue after the ceremony can be distributed to doctors according to law, then I can stay. " Ji finally received a women's orchestra sent by Qi State, and stayed away from government affairs for three consecutive days. After offering sacrifices in the suburbs, he violated the usual ceremony and did not give the barbecue to the doctor. Confucius then left Lu and stayed there for one night. A musician named Shijie came to see him off and said, "Sir, there is nothing wrong with you." Confucius said, "Shall I sing a song?" So he sang: "those women's mouths can drive away ministers and cronies;" Getting close to those women will kill people. Leisure, leisure, this is the only way I can pass the time! " After the historical records came back, Huan Zi asked him, "What did Confucius say?" The teacher told the truth. Sighed and said, "Sir, this is because we accepted Qi's female music!" "
Confucius then went to defend the country and stayed at his wife's brother Zou's house. Wei Linggong asked Confucius, "How much salary did you get in Lu?" Confucius said, "There are six quantities of rice." Guo Wei also gave him 60 thousand barrels of rice. Before long, someone spoke ill of Confucius to Wei Linggong, and Wei Linggong sent GongSunYu to monitor Confucius' entry and exit with phony war. Confucius was afraid of being convicted here and left the country after living here for ten months.
Confucius is going to Chen State. He passed a place called Kuang, and his disciples drove for him. Ke Yan pointed at it with a whip and said, "I have been to this city before, and I went in through that gap." When the Kuang people heard about it, they mistakenly thought that Lu's Yanghu had come and thought that Yanghu had harmed the Kuang people, so the Kuang people besieged Confucius. Confucius looked like a tiger, so he was trapped there for five days. Yan Yuan arrived later, and Confucius said, "I thought you were dead." Yan Yuan said, "Teacher, you are still alive. How dare I die!" The Kuang people besieged Confucius more and more urgently, and the disciples were very afraid. Confucius said, "Zhou Wenwang is dead. Isn't the ritual and music system of the Zhou Dynasty here? If God wants to destroy these rites and music systems, he will not let us die later to bear the responsibility of maintenance. God doesn't want to destroy these rituals and music of the Zhou Dynasty. What can Kuang people do to me! " Confucius sent one of his followers to Ningwuzi as a vassal, and then he could leave Kuang Di.
After Confucius left Kuangdi, he went to a place called Pu. After more than a month, he returned to Weiguo and stayed at his late home. A lady named Nanzi in Wei Linggong sent someone to Confucius to say, "Gentlemen from all countries who respect our monarch and are willing to establish brotherly friendship with our monarch will definitely come to see our Nanzi, and our Nanzi is also willing to see you." Confucius declined at first and finally had to see her. Mrs. Nanzi sat in a curtain made of cloth and waited. After entering the door, Confucius kowtowed to the north. Mrs. Nanzi made two bows in the curtain, and the jade jewelry she wore jingled. Afterwards, Confucius said, "I don't want to see her when I come." Since I want to see her, I have to give her a present. " Lutz is not happy. Confucius swore: "If I am wrong, God will reject me!" " ! God must hate me! "I lived in Weiguo for more than a month and sat in the same car with my wife Nan. Eunuch Yongqu accompanied the car to turn right. After leaving the palace, Confucius followed in the second car and swaggered across the market. Confucius said: "I have never seen anyone who likes morality and beauty so much." He hated what he had done, so he left Wei for Cao. This year, he died.
Confucius left Cao and went to Song, where he performed etiquette with his disciples under the big tree. In Song Dynasty, Sima Huan wanted to kill Confucius, so he cut down the tree. Confucius had to leave this place. The disciples urged, "We can leave soon." Confucius said: "Since God has given me the mission of spreading morality, what can I do if I worry about him!"
When Confucius arrived in Zheng, he was separated from his disciples. Confucius stood alone at the east gate of the outer city. When Zheng saw this, he said to Zigong, "There is someone at the east gate. The forehead looks like, the neck looks like, and the shoulders look like Zheng Zichan, but they are three inches shorter than Yu from the waist down. He looks flustered and listless, just like a lost dog. " When Zi Gong met Confucius, he told him the exact words. Confucius said happily, "He may not describe me correctly, but he is right to say that I am like a lost dog! Exactly. "
Then Confucius went to Chen State and lived in Zi Zaisicheng's home. After more than a year, Fu Cha, the king of Wu, came to attack Chen and captured three cities before withdrawing troops. Zhao Yang attacked Chao Ge. Chu surrounded Cai and Cai moved to Wu. In Huiji, Wu defeated Gou Jian, the king of Yue.
One day, many falcons (damaged) died in the court of Chen State, and falcons (damaged) made arrows of wood, which were made of stone and one foot and eight inches long. Chen Gui sent messengers to ask Confucius for advice. Confucius said, "These falcons come from far away, and this is the arrow of Su protoss. Starting from the previous Zhou Dynasty, King Wu cut down merchants and communicated with ethnic groups of various ethnic minorities, so that all ethnic groups in Jiuyi and Baiman contributed their local specialties, so that they could not forget their duties and obligations. So the Sushen tribe presented an arrow made of beech and stone, which was one foot and eight inches long. To show his virtue, Zhou Wuwang gave an arrow from the Su Shen tribe to his eldest daughter, Tai Ji. Later, Tai Chi married and was sealed in the state of Chen. At the beginning, the royal family gave precious jade to the prince with the same surname to show their attention to their loved ones; Sending a tribute to a vassal shows that he attaches importance to his relatives; Paying tribute to the princes is to make them not forget to submit to the Zhou Dynasty. So give Chen the arrow of Sushen tribe. " Mingong Chen listened to the call and went to the warehouse where he used to collect tributes, so he found this arrow.
Confucius lived in chen guosheng for three years, which coincided with Jin Chu's hegemony. The two countries took turns attacking Chen until Wu attacked Chen, and Chen was repeatedly violated. Confucius said, "retreat, retreat! Those disciples in my hometown are ambitious, but broad-minded. They are very enterprising, Do not forget your initiative mind. " So Confucius left the state of Chen.
Confucius passed by a place called Pu, and it happened that his uncle rebelled against Pu, and the Pu people detained Confucius. One of his disciples, Ruligang Gong, traveled around the world with Confucius in five cars. He was tall, smart and brave. He said to Confucius, "I used to be in danger when traveling with my teacher in Kuang Di, but now I am in danger here. This is my destiny. " My teacher and I have fought and lost many times, so we can fight to the death. Ruligang Gong and the Pu people fought fiercely. The Pu people were afraid and said to Confucius, "If you don't defend your country, I will let you go. "Confucius made a contract with them and they were released from the East Gate. Confucius arrived in Weiguo. Zi Gong said, "Can the Covenant be broken? Confucius said, "God will not recognize a contract made under duress." "
Wei Linggong was very happy after hearing the news of Confucius' arrival, and went to the suburbs to meet him personally. Ling Gong asked Confucius, "Can Pu be a Crusader?" Confucius said, "Yes." Gong Ling said: "My doctor thinks it is impossible to March eastward, because Pu is now a barrier to defend Jin Chu. I'm afraid it's impossible to attack with our patriotic army? " Confucius said, "Dipu men have the ambition to serve the country, while women have the desire to defend the West River. When I say crusade, I only mean four or five people who led the rebellion. " Wei Linggong said, "Very good." But there was no rebellion to send troops against it.
Wei Linggong is too old to handle government affairs, and Confucius is useless. Confucius sighed and said, "someone used me. One year is almost enough, and three years will bring great results." Confucius had to leave.
Buddha (xρ, Xi) is Zhongmou's first mate. Zhao Jianzi of the State of Jin attacked Fann and BOC, and made a crusade against Zhongmou. If the Buddha occupied Zhongmou and rebelled, he sent for Confucius. Lutz said: "I heard the teacher say,' A gentleman doesn't go to those who do bad things themselves'. Now that the Buddha has occupied the Zhongmou rebellion by himself, you want to leave. Why? " Confucius said, "I do have this statement. But I didn't say that hard things can't be thinned; I also said that white things cannot be dyed black. Am I just looking at melons that I can't eat? How can I keep hanging it for others? "
Once Confucius was knocking on his chin, a man passed by the door with a straw basket on his back and said, "What a mind! This knocker knocks loudly and urgently. Since people don't appreciate themselves, forget it! "
Confucius studied piano with Shi Xiangzi for ten days in a row, but he didn't learn any new tunes. Shi Xiangzi said, "You can learn some new songs." Confucius said, "I am familiar with music, but I haven't mastered the skill of playing the piano." After a while, Shi Xiangzi added, "You are familiar with the skills of playing the piano and you can learn some new tunes." Confucius said, "I haven't understood the sense of music yet, so I can learn some new music." Confucius said, "I haven't realized what a composer is." After a period of time, Confucius looked solemn and taciturn, thought deeply about something, and then relaxed and showed great ambition. He said, "I realized what a composer is. He is dark-skinned, tall and bright-eyed, like a king who rules the world. Who can do it except Zhou Wenwang! " Shi Xiangzi respectfully left his seat, bowed to Confucius and said, "My teacher originally said this was Cao.
Confucius planned to go to the west to see Zhao Jianzi because he could not be reused to defend his country. When I arrived at the Yellow River, I heard the news that Dou Heshun was killed. Facing the Yellow River, he said with emotion: "The magnificent Yellow River water is so magnificent. It turns out that it is fate that I can't cross the Yellow River!" Zi Gong hurried forward and asked, "Excuse me, teacher, what does this mean?" Confucius said, "Dou and Shun Hua are wise men in the State of Jin. When Zhao Jianzi didn't succeed, it was these two men who helped him enter politics. When he succeeded, he killed them to seize power. It is said that if a place kills its young by caesarean section, Kirin will not come to its countryside to catch fish in the pond, then the dragon will not be interested in the rain, and the phoenix will not fly here. Why is this? A gentleman is forbidden to hurt his own kind. Those birds and beasts still know how to avoid unfair behavior, let alone me, Kong Qiu! " So he returned to his hometown to recuperate and composed the piano music "Qiao Cao" to mourn for Dou and Shun Hua, two sages. Then he returned to Weiguo and lived in Chi's home.
One day, Wei Linggong asked Confucius about the battle of troops in array. Confucius replied, "I've heard of sacrifice, but I haven't learned how to arrange troops." The next day, when Wei Linggong was talking to Confucius, he saw geese flying in the air, so he just looked up, but his face was not on Confucius. Confucius then left Weiguo and went to Chen.
This summer, Wei Linggong died and his grandson became a monarch. This is Wei. In June, Zhao Yang accepted the exiled Prince Kuailai Qi. Yanghu let Prince Kuaiqin wear mourning clothes, and let eight people mourn for nothing. Dressed up as if they had come from Weiguo to pick up the prince and go back to attend the funeral, Yanghu took the equipment into Qicheng and lived there. In winter, Cai moved the capital to Guangzhou. This year is three years for Lu Aigong, and Confucius is sixty years old. Qi helped Wei to surround the cities of Qi, because Wang Wei was there.
Temples in Lu Huangong and Gong Li caught fire this summer. Uncle Nangong Jing went to put out the fire. After hearing the news, Confucius said, "The fire must be in the temples of Duke Huan and Gong Li, right?" It was soon confirmed that it was exactly what he said.
This autumn, Ji was seriously ill and saw Lucheng in the car. He said with emotion: "In the past, this country was almost prosperous, because I offended Confucius, so it didn't prosper." He turned to his adopted son Ji Kangzi and said, "If I die, you must inherit the regime of Lu and assist the monarch. After you assist the monarch, you must recall Confucius." A few days later, Ji died and Ji Kangzi succeeded to the throne. I miss Confucius after the funeral. Doctor Gong Zhiyu said: "In the past, our country Lu once appointed him, but he failed to finish what he started and was finally laughed at by the princes." "Now if you hire him again, if you can't die well, you will attract the ridicule of the ministers again." Ji Kangzi said, "Who should I call?" The male fish said, "Be sure to call Ran Qiu." So he sent someone to recall Ran Qiu. Ran Qiu was ready to get up and leave. Confucius said, "It won't be useless for Lu Zhao Ran to ask for his return this time. He deserves to be reused. " On this day, Confucius said, "Go back, go back! Those disciples in my hometown are ambitious, broad-minded and rich in literary talent. I really don't know where to start educating them. " Zi Gong knew that Confucius missed his hometown and wanted to go back. When sending Ran Qiu away, tell him that "if he is reused, he should think about taking the teacher back" and so on.
After Ran Qiu left, the following year, Confucius moved from Chen to Cai. Cai is going to the state of Wu, but he is not there. Once upon a time, Zhao Gong deceived ministers and moved the capital to Guangzhou. This time, the doctor advised him to move the capital again, but Sun insisted on shooting Cai halfway. Then, Chu army invaded Cai. In the autumn of the same year, Qi Jinggong died.
The following year, Confucius went to Yedi from Cai State. Lord Ye asked Confucius the truth of governing the country, and Confucius said, "The truth of governing the country lies in recruiting talents far away and making people submit." . One day. Lord Ye asked Lutz about Confucius, but Lutz didn't answer. When Confucius heard about this, he said to Luz, "Zhong You, why don't you say to him,' He never tires of learning truth and teaching people, so angry that he forgets to eat, so happy that he forgets his sorrow and doesn't even know the coming of aging.' "
Confucius left the leafy land of Chu and returned to Cai. On the way, I met two people, Chang Ju and Jie, who fell into the water and worked side by side. Confucius thought they were hermits, so he asked Luz to ask where the ferry was. Often raised: "Who is holding the reins?" Lutz replied, "It's Kong Qiu." Chang Ju asked again, "Is it Lu's?" Lutz said, "Yes." Changju said, "Then he should know where the ferry is." Jie drowned and asked, "Who are you?" Lutz said, "I'm Zhong You." Jie Li drowned and said, "Are you a disciple of Kong Qiu?" Lutz said, "Yes." Jie Shui said, "There is chaos everywhere in the world. Who can change this situation?" Besides, why don't you run around with those who have escaped from the violent minister and follow us who have escaped from troubled times? "After that, I continued to plow. Lutz told Confucius about it, and Confucius said disappointedly, "We can't live in the mountains with birds and animals. If the world is peaceful, I don't need to run around trying to change this situation. "
One day, when Luz was walking alone, an old man in Lu Yu was carrying a weeding tool on his shoulder. Luz asked him, "Have you seen my teacher?" The old man said, "You people are not hardworking and can't tell the difference between grains. How do I know who your teacher is? " After that, he pulled the grass with a cane. Afterwards, Luz told Confucius these stories, and Confucius said, "This is a hermit." Tell Luz to go again. The old man has gone.
Confucius moved to Cai for three years, and Wu attacked Chen. When Chu was saved, the army was stationed in the city father's place. When the State of Chu heard that Confucius lived on the border of Cai in Chen Guohe, he sent someone to hire Confucius. Confucius is going to visit and accept the betrothal gift. Doctors in Chen Guo and Cai Guo discussed: "Confucius is a wise man with talent and virtue. His accusations and sarcastic remarks hit the prince's shortcomings." Nowadays, we have been between Cai and ourselves for a long time, and the policies and actions of doctors are not what we want. Today's big country, Chu, has hired Confucius. If Confucius is reused in Chu, then our doctors in power in Chen and Cai will be in danger. "So they all sent some laborers into the wild to surround Confucius. Confucius and his disciples could not move, and food was cut off. The disciple who followed was too hungry to stand up. Confucius is still lecturing, reciting poems, singing and playing the piano. Lutz came to see Confucius angrily: "Do gentlemen sometimes get stuck? Confucius said: "A gentleman can be firm in the face of embarrassment, and a villain will be free when he is embarrassed, and he will do anything excessive. "
At this time, Zi Gong's face also changed. Confucius said, "Grant, do you think I am a learned man with a memory?" Zi Gong replied, "Yes. Isn't it? " Confucius said, "No .. I use a basic principle to run through all my knowledge."
Confucius knew that his disciples were unhappy. He called Luz and asked, "The Book of Songs says it is neither a rhinoceros nor a tiger, but it is wandering in the wilderness." Is there anything wrong with our theory? Why did we get to this point? "Lutz said," maybe our virtue is not enough? So people don't trust us; Aren't we smart enough? So people won't let us pass. " Confucius said, "Is there such a thing? Zhong You, if the benevolent can win people's trust, where will Boyi and Shu Qi starve to death in shouyangshan? If a wise man can leave early, where can the prince be beheaded? "
Lutz withdrew and Zi Gong came in to see Confucius. Confucius said to Zigong, "Yes, the Book of Songs says it is neither a rhinoceros nor a tiger, but it wanders in the wilderness." . Is there anything wrong with our theory? Why did we get into this situation? "Zi Gong said:" The teacher's theory is so extensive that no country in the world can accommodate the teacher. Why doesn't the teacher lower your requirements a little? "Confucius said:" Yes, good farmers and good farmers may not have a good harvest; "Although a good craftsman is not skilled, what he does may not satisfy everyone. Educated people can study their own theories, just like the net, first construct the basic ideas of magnanimity, and then stick to them according to the principles, but they may not be accepted by the world. Now I don't study my own theory, but I want to belittle myself and respect others. Give it, your ambition is too far. "
After Zi Gong went out, Yan Hui came in to see Confucius. Confucius said, "Come back. The Book of Songs says it is neither a rhinoceros nor a tiger, but it is wandering in the wilderness." . Is there something wrong with our learning theory? Why did we get to this point? Yan Hui said: "The theory of teachers is so extensive that no country in the world can accommodate teachers. Even so, teachers should carry out their own theories. What does it matter if they are not accepted by the world? Don't accept it, this is a gentleman! It is a shame for a person not to study his own theory. As for the theory that has been vigorously studied, it is a shame for those in power not to use it. What does it matter if you are not taken away by the world? Don't accept it, to show the true nature of a gentleman! Confucius smiled with relief and said, "Yes, young people are called Yan! If you have a lot of money, I will be your housekeeper. "
So he sent someone to pay tribute to Chu. King Zhao of Chu mobilized troops to meet Confucius, which was the only way to eliminate this disaster.
King Zhao of Chu wants to seal the place with a household registration of 700 miles to Confucius. Yin Zixi, the king of Chu, stopped and said, "Are there any envoys sent by your majesty to various vassal States like Zi Gong?" Zhao Haoqi said, "No." Zixi asked again, "Is there anyone like Yan Hui to be the assistant minister of the king?" Zhao Haoqi said, "No." Zixi asked again, "Is there a general like Luz?" Zhao Haoqi replied, "No." Zixi asked again, "Are there any officials who are in charge of various ministries of the king like Zai Yu?" Zhao Haoqi replied, "No." Zixi went on to say, "In addition, when our ancestors of Chu were enfeoffed by the Zhou Emperor, the title was viscount, the land was equivalent to baron, and Fiona Fang was fifty miles. Now I will talk about the methods of governing the country by the three emperors and five emperors, and I will definitely help Zhou's career with Zhao. If the King of Chu appoints him, can Chu still keep thousands of miles of land in Fiona Fang from generation to generation? I think, when Wen Wang was in Fengyi and Wu Wang was in Haojing, as a Lord with only a hundred miles, he could finally rule the world. Today, it is not the gospel of Chu to give up the land of 700 cities, supplemented by talented disciples. " Wang Zhao dismissed the original idea. This autumn, Zhao Chu died in Chengfu.