A letter about breaking up the relationship with Shan Juyuan Ji Kang Kang Bai: Zushu used to call me in Yingchuan, and I always called him a close friend. However, it is strange that the meaning is not yet familiar to one's feet, how can one get it? When I returned from Hedong the year before last, Xianzong and Adu agreed that I should take over as my replacement. There are many things that are easy to do and few that are strange. I am straight and narrow in nature, and I am unbearable in many ways. I know each other by chance. When I heard that my feet were moving down, I was wary and unhappy; I was afraid that I would be ashamed of being cut off by others, so I led the corpse to pray for help, and recommended the Luan knife in my hand, which was filled with the smell of mutton. Therefore, I will tell you whether it is possible or not. When I was studying in the past, I may have heard of people who were familiar with it, but now I believe that they really have ears. If your sex is unbearable, you really can’t force it. Today, I know that there are masters who are capable of nothing, are not ordinary on the outside, and are not deviated from the inside. They follow the same trend in this life, and regrets and stinginess does not grow in ears. Laozi and Zhuangzhou are my teachers, and they occupy lowly positions; Liu Xiahui and Dongfang Shuo are masters, and they live in lowly positions. How dare I be short-changed! Moreover, Zhong and Ni both love each other, and are not ashamed to hold the whip; Ziwen has no desire to be a minister, and he has been appointed as an imperial minister three times. This is what a gentleman means by thinking about helping things. The so-called ability is both good and unswerving, and poverty means contentment without boredom. Viewed from this point of view, when the kings of Yao and Shun lived in the world, Xu You lived on the rock, assisted Han in the ovary, and received Yu's singing, which was the only one. Looking up at the few kings, it can be said that they are those who can fulfill their ambitions. Therefore, a gentleman's hundreds of actions follow different paths but lead to the same goal. They move according to nature and are each at their own disposal. Therefore, there is a saying that one can stay in the imperial court without leaving, or enter the mountains and forests without turning back. Moreover, Zang Zhifeng, the high-ranking scholar in Yanling, and the minister of the imperial family admired Xiangru. The trust entrusted by his ambition cannot be taken away. Every time I read the biographies of Shang Ziping and Tai Xiaowei, I admire them with admiration and think about their personalities. If you are less lonely, your mother and brother will be arrogant and not involved in the study of classics. The nature is sparse and lazy, the muscles and muscles are slow, and the head and face are often not washed on the 15th of January; it is not very itchy and cannot be bathed. Every time he urinates frequently and cannot bear it, his cells will turn slightly and his ears will tingle. Moreover, after a long period of indulgence, affection and arrogance fade away, simplicity and propriety go against each other, laziness and arrogance complement each other, and one who is generous to his peers does not take credit for his faults. Read "Zhuang" and "Lao" again, and add them again. Therefore, the spirit of prosperity becomes increasingly weak, and the feeling of Ren Shi becomes strong. This animal and deer are rarely tamed, so they obey the teachings; when they are grown and restrained, they look wildly at their tassels and go through fire and water; even though they are decorated with golden trousers and feast on delicious food, they go beyond the long forest and aim at the abundant grass. also. Regardless of the faults of Ruan Si Zongkou, I have learned from them every time, but I have not been able to reach them. His nature is extraordinary, and he has no harm to things, but he has bad ears after drinking too much. Even when he was roped by the people of etiquette and law, he was as quick as the enemy. Fortunately, the general kept his ear. Because he is not as virtuous as the successors, he is slow and galloping; he does not understand human feelings and is blind to opportunities; he is not as cautious as a stone, but he is tired of good things. Is it possible? In addition, if human relations are polite and the court has laws, if you are familiar with it, there will be seven things that are unbearable and two things that are extremely unsatisfactory. It is unbearable to lie down and wake up late, but to ignore the calls. It is unbearable to hold a harp, chant, and play hooks in the grass, but the officers and soldiers are guarding it and are not allowed to move rashly. Sitting in danger for a while, the paralysis [Note 1] cannot be shaken, the nature is full of lice, and the body is scratched incessantly, and it is necessary to wrap up with a seal and bow to the superior, which is unbearable. If you are not good at writing, and you don't like to write books, and there are many things in the world, and there are too many things to do, and if you don't respond to each other, you will violate the teachings and harm the justice. I don't like mourning, but human nature attaches great importance to it. I have not seen the resentment of the forgiver, but I want to see the slanderer. Although I feel guilty and blame myself, my nature cannot be changed. If I want to surrender my heart and follow the customs, I will be cunning and unfeeling, and I will end up with it. It is impossible to achieve neither blame nor reputation, it is so unworthy. I don't like common people, but I want to have sex with them, or sit with guests, make loud noises, noisy and smelly places, and perform thousands of tricks. In front of people, they are unbearable. The heart is impatient, and official affairs are in the palm of the hand, machine affairs are entangled in his heart, and worldly sophistication is complicated by his worries, which makes him unbearable. Moreover, if it is not Tang and Wu who weaken Zhou and Kong, this will not only happen in the human world, but it will also appear to be unacceptable to the world and religion. This is extremely rare. The stubbornness of the intestines, the outspokenness of words, and the sudden onset of anger when encountering problems are extremely indispensable. In order to promote the cautious nature and unify these nine troubles, there are no external difficulties. If there are internal diseases, would you rather live in the evil world for a long time? I also heard that the Taoist priest's last words said that the bait technique and Huangjing can make people live longer, so I really believed it. Traveling around the mountains and rivers, watching fish and birds, is a joy. Once you become an official, this matter will be abolished. An Neng can give up what he enjoys and follow what he fears! When a lady knows her, she understands his nature and helps him accordingly. Yu did not force Bocheng to make his son high, but he kept his integrity. Zhongni did not pretend to protect Zixia, but also protected his shortcomings. Close to Zhuge, Kongming did not force Yuan Zhi to enter Shu, and Hua Ziyu did not force Youan to serve as minister. This can be said to be consistent and know the truth. If you look at a straight tree, it cannot be turned into a wheel, and a crooked tree cannot be turned into a yoke. You don't want to use your talent to get what you want. Therefore, the four peoples have their own karma, and each takes pleasure in achieving his aspirations. Only those who have achieved it are those who can understand it. This step can reach the inner ear. You can't think of yourself as a good Zhang Fu, forcing others to wear a literary crown; you are addicted to stinky rot, and you have to raise mandarin ducks to kill rats. I have been learning the art of health maintenance for a while, so that I can see the splendor, go away from the taste, wander my mind in loneliness, and value inaction. Even if there are no nine troubles, I still don't care about the good things I do. There is also a heart that is depressed and sick, which suddenly becomes more serious, and the selfish thoughts are tested by oneself, and one cannot bear to be unhappy. You have already judged by yourself. If the road ends and the road is exhausted, you have already heard it. If there is nothing wrong with him, he will be turned into a ravine. I have recently lost the joy of my mother and brother, and I feel very sad. The girl is thirteen years old and the boy is eight years old. They are not yet adults and are often sick. Considering this, what can be said. Now I hope to guard the alleys and educate my children and grandchildren; I hope to talk about the past with my relatives and talk about my life. A glass of wine, a piece of music, and your wish is over. If you don't care about your stubbornness at one step, you just want to be an official and win people, so that you can use your ears for the benefit of time. From now on, I know that I am poor and careless, careless about things, and I am not as capable as I am today. If ordinary people like glory and splendor, they can only stay away from it and take this as a pleasure; this nearest one can be heard. However, it is very valuable to have such talent and breadth that one can cover everything and yet be able to avoid camp. If I am suffering from many illnesses and want to take care of myself in order to preserve my remaining years, this is really not enough. How can you see Huangmen and call yourself chaste! If you want to have sex and ascend to the throne, and hope to meet each other, sex will be a joy and benefit. Once you are forced to do so, you will definitely get mad.
Since I don't have a lot of resentment, I won't do this. The savages have those who want to offer celery seeds to their backs quickly, and they want to offer them to the emperor. Although there is only a trivial intention, they have been sparse. I hope you won’t be like this. This is what it means. It's just a step away, and I think it's different. Ji Kangbai. [Note 1]: The original work is a variation of the word "Bi" in the head of the disease, "Bi".