What's the date of August 7th?

The seventh day of August 2022 is September 2.

The seventh day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar in 2022 is Friday, September 2, the working day of the Gregorian calendar.

Gregorian calendar is solar calendar. The solar calendar, also known as the solar calendar, is a calendar based on the movement cycle of the earth around the sun. The Gregorian calendar year is approximately equal to the tropic year, one year 12 months. This month has nothing to do with the first lunar month.

Lunar calendar is a traditional calendar in China. It takes the change period of the moon phase as the length of the month, adds the "24 solar terms" component of the elephant trunk calendar, and refers to the length of the tropical year of the sun, and sets leap months to make the average calendar year adapt to the tropical year. Generally, it is represented by capitalized Chinese characters and numbers.