Ps 139:4 Lord, there is nothing on my tongue that you don't know.
Pro 18:2 1 Life and death are under the authority of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Ps 52:4 You love to speak all destructive words, O deceitful tongue.
Ps 12:3 The Lord will cut off all greasy lips and exaggerated tongues.
James 3:8 But the tongue is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
Psalm 120:2 o Lord, deliver me from lying lips and deceitful tongue.
Pro 16: 1 The plan in mind cares about people; The response of the tongue belongs to the Lord.
Psalm 39: 1 I will be careful what I say and do, lest my tongue sin. When the wicked are in front of me, I will hold my mouth with a chewing ring.
Gradually decrease by 3: 10 because the scripture says, "If a person loves life and wants to enjoy good things, he should forbid his tongue to speak evil words and his lips not to speak deceitful words."
Jas 1:26 If a man thinks he is pious, but does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, his piety is vain.
Pro 25:23 The north wind produces rain, and a slanderer's tongue produces an angry look.
The mouth of the righteous talks about wisdom, and his tongue talks about justice.
Ecclesiastes 3:7b Sometimes silence, sometimes words.
Luke 6:45 A good man radiates goodness from the goodness in his heart. The wicked send out E Lai from his heart. Because what's in your heart will come out of your mouth.
Is 50:4 The Lord God has given me the tongue of the educated, so that I can know how to help the weary with words. The Lord reminds me every morning, reminds my ears so that I can listen, just like an educated person.
Psalm 35:28 My tongue will speak of your righteousness all day long, and I will always praise you.
Dear father, thank you for giving me a new day full of grace, hope and joy. Please pay attention to my future husband's tongue, smear his lips and purify his words. May he always bless you and love to tell all your good things (Ps. 1 19: 172).
Lord, you have searched his heart and heard everything he said. 139:4). Please let my future husband understand the importance of keeping his mouth shut through the Bible (Prov 18:2 1).
Ask God to forgive him his sins. He may often indulge his words and deeds, and casually lie and speak evil words according to his own desires (Psalm 52:4). However, the Lord is just and holy, and you hate false and exaggerated words (Psalm 12:3). Lord, we are so limited and incompetent that we often can't control our tongues (James 3:8). Only you are all our hope and strength. Please help us who are not worthy (Ps. 120:2). We are willing to give our tongues to you, so please rule and give us what we should say (Prov 16: 1).
Lord, please hold his tongue like an animal's chewing ring, especially when he faces unjust people and things, when others offend him and make him angry, let him learn to be careful of his words and deeds (Ps. 39: 1).
Please help my future husband to get rid of all evil words and deceit from his mouth. 3: 10), so that he will no longer deceive himself, take off his false piety (Ya 1:26), and ask the Lord to stop talking nonsense and judging people (Proverbs 25:23), so that he will have wisdom to speak honestly and fairly (Psalm.
Pray that the Lord will subdue not only his tongue but also his heart, so that his heart will be filled with your kindness and gentleness (Luke 6:45).
Lord, please let him listen to you humbly every morning, obey your will, help cultivate others with words (Isaiah 50:4), fill his mouth with sweetness, and tell your wonderful works all day long (Psalm 35:28).
Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus, amen!