The ending song "amazing grace amazing grace" of the White Towers-Lyrics
The ending song "amazing grace amazing grace" of the White Towers-Lyrics
Amazing grace, what a sweet voice, what a sweet amazing grace.
Saved a poor man like me. My sins have been forgiven.
I was lost, but now I have found it, I have lost it, and now I have found it.
I used to be blind, but now I can see. The blind can see now.
It was grace that taught me to be afraid. Such elegance awes me.
My fear has eased, which makes me feel comforted.
When you first believe it, you will be favored.
The moment I first believed it. How precious.
Through many dangers, obstacles and traps.
We have come, and I have passed safely.
It is God's grace that brings us security, so God's grace is safe.
Grace will take us home. Take me home.
When we stay there for ten thousand years, the future jubilee saints will get together.
Bright sunshine has loved friendship for thousands of years.
It is happy and praiseworthy for us to sing praise to God before the throne for many days.
Than when we first started. I hope that day will come soon.
Lyrics: John Newton (written in 1779)
Composers: James P. Karel and David S. Clayton (composer: 183 1)
John Newton once sold black slaves and did many evils, but was later banished to Africa. In a stormy sea, he was saved by God, so he decided to repent thoroughly and devoted his life to spreading the gospel of God, becoming a great preacher in the19th century. Before he died, he wrote an epitaph for himself: "Pastor John Newton was once a man who had committed a crime and didn't believe in God. He used to be a slave in Africa. But through the abundant mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was kept, reconciled with God, forgiven his sins, and was appointed to preach the gospel. " This poem bears witness to his life's salvation.
PS: amazing grace amazing grace's Christian hymn. Grace originally meant "grace and grace", and here it is interpreted as "God's mercy and grace to mankind".