I want the original text, translation, understanding and background of Shakespeare's "a fairy song". urgent! ! !

OVER hill, over dale,

Thorough bush, thorough brier,

Over park, over pale,

Thorough flood, thorough fire,

I do wander everywhere,

Swifter than the moone's sphere;

And I serve the fairy queen,

To dew her orbs upon the green:

The cowslips tall her pensioners be;

In their gold coats spots you see;

Those be rubies, fairy favorites,< /p>

In those freckles live their savors:

I must go seek some dew-drops here,

And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.

Over the hills, across the valleys,

Through the thorns, through the bushes,

Over the parks, over the fences,

Through the floods, Through the fire,

I roam the corners of the earth,

Swifter than the moon in the sky;

I serve the King of Fairies,

Sprinkle clear dew on the grass on her celestial body:

The tall yellow-flowered nine-wheel grass is her bodyguard;

They wear uniforms speckled with gold;< /p>

Those are rubies, the favorite of fairies,

The taste is in those spots:

I will look for some dew here,

Put pearls on the ears of each goldenrod.