What does the devil from the Lord mean?
The spirit of the Lord left Saul, and an evil spirit came from the Lord to disturb him (1 Samuel 16: 14). This is also mentioned in 1 Samuel16:15-16,23, 18: 10 and19. God sent a demon to disturb Saul. Saul directly disobeyed God twice (1 Samuel 13: 1- 14. 15: 1-35)。 Therefore, the spirit of the Lord left Saul and let the devil disturb him. Maybe Satan and the devil have always wanted to attack Saul, but now the Lord only allows them to do so. This leads to a related question-will God let the devil disturb people today? There are many examples in the New Testament in which people are handed over to Satan and the devil for punishment. God filled Ananias and Sapphira with the spirit of Satan as a warning and an example for the early church (Acts 5:1-1). Corinthians committed incest and adultery, and God ordered the leader to hand him over to Satan, destroy his body and save his soul (1 Corinthians 5: 1-5). Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness and was tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-1). God also sent Satan's officers to attack the apostle Paul, in order to teach him to rely on God's grace and power and not to be too arrogant because of his great revelation (2 Corinthians 12:7). If God allows the devil to disturb people today, he will do so for our benefit and his glory (Romans 8:28). Even if the devil is evil, they are still under the sovereign control of God. Just like in the example of Job, Satan and his people can only do what God allows them to do (Job 1: 12. 2:6)。 Without God's sovereignty, perfect will and purpose, they can never act independently. If believers suspect that they are disturbed by the power of the devil, their first reaction should be to repent for any known sin. Then we should seek wisdom to understand the lessons we have learned from the environment. Then, we should obey what God allows to happen in our lives, believing that it will bring about the establishment of our confidence and the glory of God.