Information about tadpoles. Information about tadpoles

1. Information about tadpoles: tadpoles are aquatic larvae of frogs and toads. Compared with salamander larvae, it has a short body, oval shape, wide tail, small mouth and no external gills. The inner gill is covered by gill cover. Tadpoles with lighter body color, slightly round body, long tail and long mouth at the front end of their heads are frogs.

2, the body is dark and the tail is shallow, the body is oval, the tail is short, and the mouth is on the front of the head. Toad's tadpoles are black, and its mouth grows on the front of its head. Frog tadpoles are lighter in color and their mouths are at the front of their heads. Toad tadpoles are smaller than frogs. The dense group are tadpoles of toads, mostly tadpoles of frogs.