People in the same county were very surprised at this and gradually treated his father as a guest. Some people even paid Zhong Yong to write poems for them. Fang Zhongyong's father is a man who loves money very much. He thinks it is profitable, so he regards Fang Zhongyong as a cash cow and leads him to visit people in the same county every day to stop him from studying and get some money from others.
Fang Zhongyong's studies were neglected because he followed his father's employer to the west all day, and his talent in poetry gradually withered because he didn't continue his studies. When he grew up, his childhood talent was completely lost and he became no different from ordinary people. People can no longer see the shadow of the original prodigy from him.
Fang Zhongyong's revelation:
Fang Zhongyong's story warns people that if they don't learn new knowledge, they must not only rely on talent, but must pay attention to the education and learning the day after tomorrow, emphasizing the importance of education and learning the day after tomorrow to success. It can be seen that it is impossible for a person to have innate wisdom without paying attention to the acquired learning. If he doesn't pay attention to accepting new knowledge, he will only fall behind others in the end. Taking Zhong Yong as an example, this story warns people that if they don't learn new knowledge, they must not only rely on their natural talents, but must pay attention to the education and learning after tomorrow, emphasizing the importance of education and learning after tomorrow to success.