Poetry on Damaging Clothes [Southern Dynasties] Xie Huilian
There is no flood in the Hengji period. The fortune of the sundial is swift and urgent. White dew nourishes garden chrysanthemums. The autumn wind falls on the locust tree. Su Su Sha chicken feathers. The strong cold cry. The sunset is empty. The moon shines brightly in the boudoir. Beauty wears clothes. The ends are decorated with high anvils and ringing hair. The couplets and pestles sound mournful. The two sleeves are slightly fragrant. Light sweat dyes double questions. Wan Su has become a man. A gentleman has not returned from his journey. Cut with a medium knife. Sewn into a thousand-mile garment. The surplus bag comes from one's hands. You are silent until you open it. The belt is a thing of the past. I don’t know what is right and wrong now.
How can it be added?" He also commented on it as a "five-character warning policy." Clothes breaking is a very common theme in works of the Tang Dynasty. Hui Lian's work not only appeared earlier, but also has a complete mood, which is worthy of Zhong Rong's praise.
"Listen to the Clothes at Night" Cao Pi of Jin Dynasty
The Han Dynasty controls the plains, and the beautiful women manage the quilts. The winter night is clear and everlasting, and the bright moon shines in the shadow of the hall. The slender hands lay on top of light cloth, and the long pestle struck the anvil...
Midnight Wu Ge [Li Bai]
A moonlit sky in Chang'an, the sound of thousands of households pounding clothes.
The autumn wind never blows away, but there is always love between the two.
On what day will the barbarians be pacified? The good man will stop his expedition.
Taking Clothing Du Fu
Also knows that garrison will never return, and the autumn comes to try to clear the anvil. It's almost a bitter cold month, and I've been feeling lonely. It's better to say that I'm tired of pounding my clothes, but to send my message to the deep wall. Use all your strength in the boudoir, and you will listen to the outside voice.
Listening to the Anvil under the Moon, Liu Changqing, Tang Dynasty
The cold night covers the cold city, where does the clear anvil come from? The sound of the anvil hits the autumn moon, and the heart is broken by the Lulong garrison. If you don't get sent to recruit people, you will feel sad about the frost and the dew.
Autumn Night Smells the Anvil Du Xunhe, Tang Dynasty
The desolate guest house sleeps in the autumn colors, and the anvil and pestle make every family enjoy the moonlight. It's not as good as Bashan to listen to the sound of apes. Among the three sounds, there is the sound of "no worries".
Moonlight Night on the Spring River [Zhang Ruoxu] (Excerpt)
The jade curtain cannot be rolled away, and the whisk on the anvil of the clothes comes back.
At this time, we look at each other but do not hear each other, and I hope that the moonlight will shine on you.
Today's translation: The moonlight shines into the boudoir, but the bead curtain cannot be rolled away; the moonlight shines on the anvil for pounding clothes, and it comes back again after being brushed away.
Appreciation of the long poem "Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night" focuses on describing five things: spring, river, flowers, moon and night. The two sentences here are famous sentences describing moonlight. It does not describe moonlight in isolation, but uses it to highlight people's thoughts and feelings. "In the Yuhu Curtain" and "On the Anvil of Clothes" both make people feel the existence of a young woman who misses the concubine. Whether she is alone in the boudoir or rushing to make cold clothes for the conscript, the moonlight always closely accompanies her. Moreover, "cannot be rolled away" and "whisked back" imply that this young woman has never been able to get rid of the pain of lovesickness. These two lines of poetry are vivid, beautiful in tone and emotion, and highly artistic.