Nehemiah10-12; Psalm 28


Nehemiah wrote down the Covenant made by the Jews with God at that time. They swore to keep the laws promulgated by God through his servant Moses, and to observe and do all the commandments, decrees and laws of the Lord our Lord. The Covenant made by the Jews is to show the true behavior of the Jews in confessing their sins before God and regretting their repentance. Jacob also said: Faith without works is dead. Here we can see that Jews show obedience and trust to God through their actions.

After God made a covenant, Jews began to arrange people to move to Jerusalem as a means to revive the Holy City. The Jewish revival in Jerusalem is based on a contract with God. What I get is the establishment of our faith, which needs to be based on God's commandments, laws and regulations. Thank god!

Psalm 28

David turned to God for help. I received David's prayer to follow God's righteousness and pray for a just judgment for those who deviate from God.

David's praise to god. I see that when I praise God, we can get strength from God to overcome the environment. Thank god!

Touching scripture:

On that day, people offered big sacrifices and rejoiced; Because God made them happy, even the women and children were happy, so that the joy of Jerusalem could be heard in the distance. (Nehemiah 65438)

The Lord is my strength and my shield; I depend on him for help. Therefore, my heart rejoices, and I will praise him with my songs. (Psalm 28:7)