The pronunciations of 1 and 16 syllables are: Zhi, Chi, Shi, Day, Zi, Word, Thought, Meaning, Matter, Language, Leaf, Moon, Vowel, Rhyme and English respectively. Generally speaking, recognizing syllables as a whole means that the pronunciation and initials are the same after adding vowels, or the pronunciation and finals are the same after adding vowels.
In primary school Chinese pinyin textbooks, this syllable 16 is often compiled into children's songs or ancient poems, which is convenient for children to remember. 、
2. Phonetic spelling takes vowels as a whole and uses them to spell initials. Such as: h-ao (Hao).
3. Two spellings of initials First, find the pronunciation part of the initials, set the pronunciation posture, and then read the vowels in one breath and spell them into syllables. For example, to spell ba, first close your lips, hold your breath, pronounce B, and then pronounce A as a syllable.
4. Triple spelling is to analyze a syllable with sound into three parts: sound, middle and rhyme, and read it into a syllable with pinyin. Such as 9i-ang-qiang (strong).
16 The whole syllable is:
Generally speaking, 16 syllables are recognized: knowledge, delay, time, day, child, word, thought, meaning, thing, language, leaf, month and yuan.
Yin, Yun, English. The pronunciation of mouth and tongue is not easy to master, so read this syllable 16 as a whole.
2. Generally speaking, fully recognized syllables refer to syllables with the same pronunciation as initials after adding a vowel (or syllables with the same pronunciation as initials after adding a vowel) (Yuan is special), that is, syllables that are directly recognized without spelling, so fully recognized syllables should be directly read with wisdom teeth; Keats; Yi Wu Yu; Leaf ue element; Yin Yunying.
Divided into two categories:?
There are three kinds of flat tongue sounds: Z, C and S; There are four languages: zh, ch, sh, R.