Confucius' Translation of Jianghai and the Original Text

The translation of Jianghai by Confucius and the original text are as follows:

Zhao Jianzi asked Zigong, "What kind of person is Confucius?" Zigong said to him, "I don't know if I gave it." Jianzi didn't say, "Master worked for Confucius for decades and left at the end of his career. I asked my son and he said,' I don't know'. Why? " Zi Gong said, "It's enough to give the thirsty people rivers and seas. Confucius is still a river and a sea, but if he gives it, is it enough to know? " Jane said, "OK, Zi Gong's words are also good!"


Zhao Jianzi, the monarch of Zhao, asked Zigong, "What kind of person is Confucius?" Zi Gong replied, "I don't know him." Zhao Jianzi was very unhappy and said, "Master served Confucius for more than ten years, and then he left him (Confucius) after he completed his studies. I asked you, and you said,' I don't understand'. Why? "

Zi Gong said, "I am like a thirsty man drinking water by the river. I'll stop when I'm satisfied Confucius is like a river and a sea. How can I fully understand him? " Zhao Jianzi said, "Well, Zi Gong's words are very good!"

Implicit fact:

Confucius is known as a saint, omniscient and virtuous. So saints like Confucius are as profound as rivers and seas. Zi Gong is modest and eager to learn, and his moral character of respecting teachers and valuing morality is worth learning.

This shows that Confucius knows everything and is noble in morality, which is beyond ordinary people's understanding. The main feature of this article in writing is that it is figurative, vivid and convincing.