Follow the lyrics of the Lord's life

Why do you want to follow the Lord?

Why are you wandering outside?

Why did you leave your parents?

Why don't you look back?

Because the Lord is your favorite.

His love is your life.

You want eternal life

This road is extending. Go ahead, go ahead.

Probably abroad for a long time.

You shed tears quietly.

Across the mountain and water, I bless you.

The song sent my cordial greetings.

Why do you want to follow the Lord?

Why are you wandering outside?

Why did you leave your parents?

Why don't you look back?

Because the Lord is your favorite.

His love is your life.

You want eternal life

This road is extending. Go ahead, go ahead.

Probably abroad for a long time.

You shed tears quietly.

Across the mountain and water, I bless you.

The song sent my cordial greetings.