Will the saved lose their salvation?

Answer: Can the rain and snow be returned, so that the favor will not be lost, but if someone tastes the favor and flinches, then his ending will be bad. Because of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the end, both good and evil will be resurrected, but the good will be resurrected, the evil will be condemned, and Jesus Christ will save people first. What a sin it is if people neglect salvation.

Look at the following passage:

Is 55: 10 rain and snow fall from the sky, seeking nothing in return, but nourishing the earth, making it sprout and bear fruit, making the sower sow seeds and making food available.

Hebrews 2:3 If we neglect such great salvation, how can we escape sin? This salvation was first spoken by the Lord himself, and later confirmed to us by those who heard it.

John 5:29 He who does good will have children when he is resurrected. When the evildoers are resurrected, they will be condemned.

Hebrews 6:4- 10 As for those who have been illuminated, tasted the grace of heaven, partook in the Holy Spirit, tasted the goodness of God, and realized the power of the afterlife, if they abandon the truth, they will not be able to repent. Because they also crucified the Son of God and openly humiliated him. Just like a field, if it rains repeatedly and grows vegetables suitable for farmers, it is God's blessing. If thorns and thistles grow, they will be thrown away, almost cursed, and the end will be burning. Dear brothers, although we say this, we are convinced that your actions are stronger than these, and you are almost saved.