Reach the inaccessible horizon.

There is a meadow on the horizon that refuses to be submerged by snow.

There is a castle on the horizon, don't give up looking for it.

There is a bluebird on the horizon, flying happily without sadness.

There is a star on the horizon, and there is no gray light shining.

Everything is on the horizon and I don't want to lose it.

I want to be the grass on the horizon.

I want to be the owner of that castle on the horizon.

I want to be a happy bluebird on the horizon.

Become a dazzling star on the horizon.

I want everything I want to pursue.

No matter how difficult and bumpy the journey is.

I have never been afraid or flinched.

For the original dream in my heart

Reach the inaccessible horizon

To struggle, to achieve.

Will not give up halfway.

There are friends, relatives and teachers along the way.

I'm never alone, never afraid, never afraid.

Believe in the dream I want to realize

I don't want to disappoint you, and neither will I.

Thank you for your company along the way.

Thank you!