Interpretation of James 4: 7- 10

Hello, these verses are Jacob's exhortation to Christians at that time, and also to Christians today, telling Christians how to resist the devil's tricks and how to follow Jesus to the end instead of falling.

Therefore, obey God. You have to resist the devil, and the devil will leave you and flee.

Obedience: Jacob started a series of ten orders here, and every member who faces the threat of becoming a "friend" with the secular world (see section 4) should listen carefully. Before God gives him grace (v. 6), a "humble" person must be willing to submit his will to God's plan. Obedience means complete faith in God's well-being and all arrangements (see Hebrews 12:9).

Therefore, because of the danger of pride and selfishness, Christians must put themselves under God's command. He promised that no swab would exceed our resistance (see Lin Qian 1. 10: 13).

Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners! You double-minded people, clean your hearts!

Intimacy: This command is the secret of successfully resisting Satan (see section 7). We rely on faith (see Hebrews 7:25) and true repentance (see He14:1; At 7 o'clock on March 3).

Clean: clean hands symbolize the elimination of crime (see Shen 21:6; Psalm 24: 4; 26:6; 73: 13; Matt 27: 24; Kansai

1: 15, 16)。 Paul designated "holy hands" as one of the conditions for prayer to be answered (see 1 Timothy. 2:8).

A person who hesitates. His thoughts are divided between the call of secular entertainment and the call of unswerving loyalty to God. People with two minds have two souls, or two loyalties. )。 "Half-hearted" people hesitate between believing and not believing, while single-minded people do not hesitate at all.

Be sad, be sad, weep, turn your laughter into sorrow, and turn your joy into gloom.

Sadness. Sinners should feel their real miserable situation. People should constantly strive to understand their true mental state.

Sorrow: this is an earnest call for repentance, and even those who are severely reprimanded by Jacob have hope, because "sorrow according to God's will gives birth to repentance and salvation."

Happy laughter: laughter that marks their "lust" or "feast" (see section 1). This kind of laughter has become an anesthetic to encourage false satisfaction and security, while the soul is always on the verge of extinction. However, Jacob did not imply that normal Christian life should be characterized by gloom and sadness.

Sadness. The inevitable result of imprudence and ignorance.

Joy: "Joy becomes melancholy" is similar to "Laughter becomes sadness" in poetry.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.

Inferiority: for an honest man, his tragic real scene has produced the spirit of humility before God, and he is always willing to forgive.

Before: such a strong need for self-blame must be true, because "humble" people will not wear false modesty, just to be seen. Neither external behavior nor internal motivation can deceive God (see16: 9; Come 4: 13). No matter what the nature of sin is, no matter who is hurt by sin, the Lord is always the first to be offended.

Rise:. "Humble" people will be promoted to a certain extent by God in this life, but they will be promoted more fully in the next life. He is the man who will "live with humble people". Like Jonathan and John the Baptist, "those who suffer with Christ through self-sacrifice" must receive eternal honor. Those who are willing to accept God's teaching and trust his guidance will never be abandoned.