Ask the lyrics of the star-spangled banner

The Stars and Stripes is composed of four parts, and the complete lyrics are as follows:

Oh, can you see the dawn?

What makes us so proud to cheer in the last glimmer of dusk?

Its wide stripes and bright stars pass through dangerous battles,

Over the barriers we watch, such a brave flow?

The red light of the rocket, the bomb exploding in the air,

All night to prove that our flag is still there.

Oh, is the star-spangled banner still flying?

In the land of freedom, in the home of the brave?

On the shore, through the mist of the deep sea,

The arrogant master of the enemy rested in terrible silence,

What is a breeze, over the towering cliffs,

It blows intermittently, half hidden and half exposed?

Now it captures the first ray of sunshine in the morning,

Reflection in full glory now shines in the stream:

This is the star-spangled banner! Oh, may it fly forever,

In the land of freedom, the home of the brave.

When our land is illuminated by a smile of freedom,

If an enemy from within attacks her honor,

Down with traitors who try to defile.

The flag of the stars and the pages of her story!

Millions of liberated people,

Who got their birthright?

We will always keep her bright tone unchanged;

The star-spangled banner of victory will fly,

The land of freedom is the home of the brave.

Where is that band that swore so arrogantly?

The havoc of war and the chaos of fighting.

A home and a country should never leave us again.

Their blood has washed away the pollution of their dirty feet.

There is no shelter to save employees and slaves,

Escape from the fear of escape and the darkness of the grave.

The stars and stripes are flying in victory,

In the land of freedom, the home of the brave.

Oh! Forever, when freemen stand up,

Between their beloved homeland and the desolation of war!

Bless victory and peace, and may heaven save the earth;

Praise the power to create and protect our country.

Then we must conquer, when our cause is just,

This is our motto: "We trust in God."

The star-spangled banner of victory will fly,

In the land of freedom, the home of the brave.

Chinese translation of lyrics:

Ah! Can you see it at dawn,

What makes us so proud?

Cheering at the last light of dawn,

Whose flag is always held high in the fierce battle!

The fire raged and the guns rumbled.

We saw the heroic flag on the fort.

Still standing after darkness!

Ah! Do you think the Stars and Stripes will stand still?

Dancing in the land of freedom,

Flying in the home of the brave?

Through the dense fog, I can vaguely see the other side, the tenacious enemy is sleeping soundly, and the surrounding night is silent.

The breeze blew intermittently over the top of the steep cliff. What do you think it is, half hidden in the wind?

Now its body, reflecting the morning glow, is flying on the water and suddenly turns red.

This is the star-spangled banner! May it fly forever, in this free country, the hometown of warriors.

Where are those who swore? They are eager to survive in the war.

Hometown and motherland, don't abandon them, they washed away their dirty footprints with their own blood.

These minions and mercenaries have nowhere to hide and cannot escape the fate of failure and death.

But the stars and stripes will fly forever, in this free country, the hometown of warriors.

Before us, free men will stand up and defend the national flag!

The motherland has its own natural conditions, and victory and peace are in sight; Build the country, protect the hometown, and thank God for his strength.

We must win, justice belongs to us, "We believe in God." This sentence will never be forgotten.

You see the Stars and Stripes will fly high forever, in this free country, the hometown of warriors.