At that time, the world was in dispute, and the late Jin Dynasty was the enemy of the late Liang Dynasty. Wang Ba's troops were stationed in Weizhou (now Daming, Hebei Province) and Xiangzhou. Later, the Jin army captured Wang's family and they were treated well. Later, Kim surrendered to the king and was rejected, so he killed his family.
At the end of the year, after Jin Jun won many battles, a large area of land north of the Yellow River was occupied by Hou Jin. Later Jin built a pontoon bridge at Desheng Ferry (now Puyang) of the Yellow River, which posed a great threat to the back beam. At a critical juncture, Jing Xiang, the prime minister of the Back Beam, recommended Wang to lead the army to war. The emperor of Houliang asked the king how long it would take to break the enemy, and the king said it only took three days. Minister Hou Liang thought that Wang was full of madness and refused to believe it. Wang galloped to the front for two days with a great army. On the surface, he drinks and plays all day. He secretly led 600 strong men, armed with axes and loaded with firewood, down the river until he reached Desheng. While 8 jin j unprepared, quickly burned Desheng pontoon bridge, captured the late Cheng Nan. This is the third day of the invasion, and all the soldiers will be impressed.
Wang's exploits aroused the envy of Duan Ning and others in Houliang. Duan Ning colluded with Zhao Yan and other important officials in the DPRK to exclude and frame the king. The king roared in the sky: When I defeat the enemy and return to Korea, I must kill this traitor to thank the world! ? Zhao Yan and others were frightened. In front of Liang Wudi, the harm to Wang became more and more serious. At this time, Wang's late and late Jin armies were at loggerheads on both sides of the Yellow River, and the fighting was fierce.
Emperor Liang listened to the slanderers of Zhao Yan and others, destroyed the Great Wall, except the king, and made Duan Ning handsome. When Wang returned to Beijing, he stated the military situation in front of Emperor Liang and analyzed the strategy of retreating the enemy to win, but he was given a cold shoulder and refused to be appointed. It was not until the attack of the later Tang Dynasty that Duan Ning surrendered to the later Tang Dynasty, and the capital was in danger, and the king was put into use again. Although the situation was already very critical, Wang turned the tide and was determined to serve the country and fight for the battlefield. He led several old, weak and beaten soldiers to fight fiercely with post-Tang Jun along the Yellow River in Huazhou, and finally failed because of being outnumbered. Wang was also captured by post-Tang Jun, and Li liked Wang's bravery and wanted to surrender to him.
Although Wang was born in a poor family and was not influenced by Confucianism when he was a child, he respected his surname. What he often says is: A leopard died, but a man died. ? He was unmoved by the persuasion of the later Tang Dynasty and died heroically at the age of 6 1.
When Wang led a fierce battle with the Jin army, he was stationed in Moon Temple in Huazhou (North of Huaxian County). In memory of this patriotic general, the local people changed the Yue Ming Temple into an iron gun temple. There is a portrait of the king in the temple, and there is an iron gun used by the king. Ouyang Xiu, one of the eight masters in Tang and Song Dynasties, was deeply moved by Wang's book when he was awarded the patrol of Tieqiang Temple in the third year of Northern Song Dynasty (1043), and personally painted the portrait of Wang, eulogizing this loyal patriotic general.