What is the truth of the well-known saying that you should wash your hands before and after meals?

Wash your hands before and after meals. I believe that many people have been taught by adults since childhood, and this proverb actually has its truth. We can't live without hands, which have too many uses. Especially in public places, we will inevitably come into contact with all kinds of things, and the bacteria on many things are invisible to the naked eye, and our hands are easily polluted by these bacteria. Therefore, washing hands before eating and after going to the toilet can prevent many diseases.

Studies have found that there are at least hundreds of thousands of bacteria in the hands of people who don't wash their hands, and there are more bacteria in their nails. As many as 3.8 billion bacteria can be hidden in a nail, and some viruses can survive in wet and warm hands for up to 7 days. People's hands are generally contaminated by more than 30 pathogens such as Shigella, typhoid, Escherichia coli and hepatitis virus, so their hands are actually dirty. Washing hands before and after meals can greatly reduce the risk of infection with these bacteria.

Bacteria enter the human body mainly through the oral cavity, and then become pathogenic after further spread in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the first step is to minimize the entry of pathogens into the human body, and wash hands to reduce the bacteria contaminated by hands, including various pathogens. The key point of washing hands before meals is to reduce the chances of food being contaminated by bacteria and entering the human body. The key point of washing hands after going to the toilet is that feces contain a lot of bacteria, so hands are easily polluted, so it is necessary to wash bacteria in time to avoid infection.

Therefore, washing hands is very important. Not only do you have to wash your hands before and after meals, but the first thing to do when you go home is to wash your hands first, so as not to bring the bacteria outside home. At the same time, you should also pay attention to stay away from people who don't like to wash their hands, and try not to touch the food they have taken, so as not to let bacteria enter the body and cause diseases. Keep the good habit of washing hands, and believe that the disease will stay away from it.